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Duane Dichiara

Who Is Working Hard (Who is Hardly Working)

While the media focuses on the actual or potential spending in the GOP Gubernatorial Primary, Republicans down-ballot are finding it more difficult to rally up the funds required to run statewide. Based on reported contributions to all committees controlled by a candidate, through Friday, Insurance Commissioner candidate Assemblyman Mike Villines (932k raised, 180k cash on hand) and Attorney General candidate State Senator Tom Harman (672k raised and 313k cash on hand) lead the pack. Villines obviously had the advantage of having been Assembly Republican Leader, and Harman has really improved his fundraising capabilities since he was first elected, mostly through hard work. Damon Dunn (129k raised) is the only non-elected Republican downticket candidate to break 100k.

Raised, by candidate:

Whitman for Governor $49.9 million
Poizner for Governor $20.8 million
Villines for Insurance Commissioner 932k
Harman for Attorney General 672k
Walters for Treasurer 211k
Aanestad for Lt. Governor 163k
Maldonado for Lt. Governor 129k
Dunn for Secretary of State 129k
Cooley for Attorney General 88k
Eastman for Attorney General 20k