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Jon Fleischman

Call for Blogs, Websites, Resources

We are about to do a "pre-spring" cleaning up of our extensive links on this site.

As part of that process, we’ll be revising and updating our links to political and MSM blogs, both on the menu above and on our Blog Scan page. We will be updating our links to websites, resources, columnists and such.

If you have favorite places you go to on the web as a politico, that you would recommend we include, just drop us a note.

Thanks in advance for your input!

Jon Fleischman

One Response to “Call for Blogs, Websites, Resources”

  1. Says:

    First and foremost….cut all puff pieces by relatives and close associates of second and third generation incompetents running on “name only” credentials…political DNA never works…

    Trot out some articles by the mystical Republican leadership, so we can get some “front door” feel for what they are up to….It is tiresome finding newspaper hacks know more about the party than we do….

    Vastly improve investigative reporting on waste, budget abuse, union intrigues, enviro whacko administrators killing small business.

    Eliminate the agonizing articles on the committee within the third district of the local council on whatever….who cares about building up “name recognition” for burnt out attornies using professional handlers to build their potential futures in politics….an objective site would have the ability to see through such trite acitivity.