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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Meg Whitman Endorsed By Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC

It has been well over thirty years since the landmark Proposition 13 was passed by voters on June 6, 1978, creating a “shot heard around the world” as the California measure not only implemented significant taxpayer protections here in California, but it spread like wildfire around the entire country, ushering in a wave of new policies favorable to taxpayers from sea to shining sea.  Of course this measure was the brainchild of Howard Jarvis, whose passion for limiting government and preserving liberty for the people lives on today through the efforts of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA).

You would have to go back an awfully long way to find a time when HJTA was more powerful and important than it is today.  There are a lot of reasons for this – including the immense fiscal challenges facing our nation, state and local governments around California, the extremely aggressive role that HJTA (and its PAC) have taken in protecting taxpayers, and the absence of a clear alternative group that is quite as effective and as influential as HJTA.

There is no doubt that while many different groups and individuals were leaders in the effort to stop the massive tax increases included in the May 19 Special Election last year, HJTA played the lead role – and was the earliest and most visible opponent to the passage of the ill-fated Proposition 1A.

**There is more – click the link**

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18 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Meg Whitman Endorsed By Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC”

  1. Says:

    Whitman a fiscal conservative? ….Whitman cruised with Carter and Van Jones, I have read in past articles in the media….Whitman hugs smelt cutting off water to farmers and minority workers in the Central Valley. Whitman has a suspicious personal voting record and Republican roots.

    The Jarvis group is a joke! Flash Report don’t join the party…..

  2. Says:

    How much did this endorsement cost the Whitman folk’s? Everything, and everybody is for sale.

  3. Says:

    Mark. You got it….something smells like a rat… usual follow the money. Mr. Coupal needs to throughly explain the logic behind pushing the RION0-ETE…

    She would not even be in the picture if Republicans had the candidate with a spine to push clear cut conservative issues… self reliance, hard work, cut regulations, etc. etc….the RINOETTE is a blurred vision of Democrat-lite. We just have gone through this….Brown or Whitman are a disaster for California…but I will take Jerry for he tends to get side tracked with black helicopters and medfly juice instead of truly hard core Democratic lunacy.

  4. Says:

    This endorsement reflects a realization that the primary campaign is stillborn, as Poizner never got out of the blocks and allowed Whitman to define him and establish an overwhelming sense of inevitability. HJTA wants a seat at the table when Whitman fashions her general election campaign and initial priorities as governor.

  5. Says:

    Howard Jarvis would have been rolling over his grave!

    HJTA reputation is on the line.

  6. Says:

    Please do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory Republicans.

    RINO or Jerry Brown? Is it even a question? CA desperately needs a Republican Gov to hold the line until redistricting kicks in.

    And to the social conservatives please think realistically. 1950 isn’t coming back. School choice through vouchers? Yes and hopefully Meg lends her voice to that issue. Prayer in school? Not happening.

    Please do us all a favor and hold your nose and vote for Meg and I promise that I’ll return the favor when a Pro-Life social crusader comes up I’ll pull the lever for you…

    Our wallets, livelihood and state depend upon Meg winning the Governorship.

    A Libertarian Republicans take.

  7. Says:

    Charles: How many 5 Million Republicans are willing to hold their nose and vote for Meg Whitman?

    We held our nose for so darn long with Arnold.

    No thanks!

    I am tired of holding my nose and for 6 years it has hurt! Enough is Enough!

  8. Says:

    RE: Allen

    I’m only dealing in political realities here. She will most likely be the nominee and she will need MAX turnout to beat Brown.

    Our Democratic process is what it is. I’d love a Governor Devore despite my positions on decriminalization of drugs and gambling. But I’d take the trade off for a fiscal conservative.

    But that’s not the reality. The ONLY way to defeat the Dems is a Independent (who in CA lean libertarian) Republican coalition.

    Sniping at Whitman at such a crucial time (As I said earlier it’s all about holding the line until redistricting kicks in) is counter productive at best and suicide if Jerry and the legislature destroy what is left of small business in CA.

  9. Says:

    Charles – I am quite upset with Jarvis for selling us down the river again. I actually debated with Coupal on the air on a local talk radio station for several minutes about it.

    Howard Jarvis has decided to judge Meg Whitman on her intentions vs Steve Poizner on his past actions. (which he has atoned for)

    I wondered along with some of the above commenters if the fix was in. Coupal came on the air and said no payment or contribution was made.

    I disagree with Jon about the impact of the endorsement – there are other taxpayer organizations that poll higher… however – Jon Coupal is part of Jon F’s crew, so naturally you’d expect Jon f to give props.

    Your assessment about the general is correct – it is the reality. If Meg wins the primary it will be like McCain vs Obama. We have to elect McCain – we’ve seen what Obama is like.

    Thanks again Jon F. for allowing me to participate in the debate

  10. Says:


    I think we’re pretty much on the same page. I just think in the current environment a Republican should win against Brown, barring any missteps. I think Steve is a misstep waiting to happen.

    Meg seems much more poised and will weather Jerry’s attacks well. Seriously, any Republican need only say “look what the Dem controlled legislature has done” It’s a winning argument. Meg then bridges us to the first elections after redistricting.

    Ideology is great on the BLOGS, pragmatisim gets you further at the polls.

    Hell If I had my way of influence Ron Paul or Gary Johnson would be our next president and they’d muscle through the fairtax via some form of executive order and a move to a commodity valued currency. But I haven’t smoked enough pot to make me think that’s a reality yet… LOL

  11. Says:

    Once Jerry unleashes hell on Whitman she will wilt in her navy blue power suit…ala Huffington of days of old!

    Flash Report junkies favoring this hapless want-ta-be are punch drunk from losing so much they would not know a winning horse if it bit them….perhaps the cracked crab, $400.00 dollar penny loafers, Opus and coveted caresses by country club servants have matrixed their realities….

    There is no one out there running for the Republicans with a chance against Brown. You apologists for mediocrity best get in line behind Brown to keep your Sacramento droppings coming…in the meantime….find a boogie man to raise funds from naive donors who have not quite figured you out yet!!! Ah, hope srings eternal!!

  12. Says:

    So Arnold in a skirt gets the HJTA’s endorsement? Wow. I guess everyone has their price.

  13. Says:

    I didn’t make my observation as a Poizner partisan. I was initially high on him because he is actually kind of paying his dues, ran for a safe Dem Assembly seat and made it competitive, then ran for insurance commish. unfortunately, he has turned out to be just as conventional and stale as the rest of them. if any of them had any feel for grassroots, they would have taken up the banner of the part-time legislature initiative. instead they all end up being next to useless narcissists.

  14. Says:

    HJTA endorsements are typically quid pro quo. Follow the money on this one.

  15. Says:

    I spoke with Jon today – on the air – and I asked him if there was a “pay off”; he was clear: NO. Coupal has never misrepresented to me before…

  16. Says:

    Part time legislature is too kookie for the RINOS. Beneath them…would not want to get their golf shoes soiled!

    All the energy, all the web networking, all the donations, all the moaning….lay it off on Republican leadership in California being bloated, complacent, comfortably rewarded for being habitual losers…and we have quite a few smiling at us on Flash Report(trotting out boogie men…cut taxes, cut regulations…were your guys) while laughing all the way to the bank as permanent poodles in Sacramento…..but again….someone has to do it!

  17. Says:

    Why is everyone overanalyzing our endorsement? (And, thank you, Steve Maviglio for letting us know that you lefties are scared that Meg will win the primary). There was no quid pro quo, no money offers, nada and to suggest there was is foolish.

    Why Meg? Of the three candidates running for governor, two have actively campaigned against Prop 13. So, as an organization founded on defense of Prop 13, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out which candidate we are going to endorse.

  18. Says:

    If one had a choice between eating liver and alligator, I guess if your “hungry” enough… you go for the liver….

    There is no over analyzing….it is merely puzzling that once pressure groups get comfy with big salaries and “stuff” they loose touch with the common man and the small business man’s daily realities.