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Mike Spence

Revolt From Within Debra Bowen’s Office?

I read in Capitol Morning Report that Roy Allmond, filed a candidate intention statement to run for the office of California Secretary of State as a Republican. 

What I found intriguing was that according to the Sacramento Bee, State Pay Results, Allmond, works for the current Secretary of State’s Office, Debra Bowen.

So why is Allmond running to replace his boss? Is she incompetent? Where has she failed? 

Is Allmond planning to resign from his current job as a protest or tp remove any hint of conflicting interests?

His opponent Damon Dunn is racking up endorsements and barnstorming the state. There is a rumor that a former Secretary of State (the kind that visits foreign countries) is going to endorse soon.

2 Responses to “Revolt From Within Debra Bowen’s Office?”

  1. Says:

    Roy is simply wasting his money. If he wanted to make an impact he could simply run for Doris Matsui’s congressional seat.

    Roy’s own personal website is not even serious for a political candidate. His post for today was about Tiger Woods.

  2. Says:


    Yes. My “personal” website ( does talk about Tiger Woods, and the story the media if failing to report.

    However, my candidate Website ( does talk about how serious I am about running.

    As far as resigning, just because I am running, I am not going to shirk my responsibility as a Union Steward for my own personal benefit.

    As far as my Democat opponent, Debra Bowen, while I have wanted to run ever since Bill Jones left the office. I feel she is an embarrasment to the office.

    Working out of the Democrat playbook, creating a “crisis” in order to decertify the DRE, then have hearings to show the vender who is boss.

    One time I had attended a stamp ceremony in our courtyard. It was cemorating a civil rights stamp. Of all of the speakers who spoke about their memories of the civil rights struggle. Our DB got up and said … “We use a lot of stamps.” DUH!

    If that was not embarrassing enough, her Undersecretary approached her, and whispered in her ear. Then thay both walked off, without a word, like there was some crisis to attend to. Yeah, right.