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Jon Fleischman

Caption Contest! What is Arnold saying?

OK, so the Governor’s office just sent out this photo of him speaking in front of the White House.  Let’s have a little "caption contest" — what is Arnold saying? 

You can participate by posting up your caption as a comment below or by dropping me a note!

The winning caption and runners up (if worthy) will be shared with all of our readers!  If the winner is near where I live or where I travel, I’ll pick up coffee and a doughnut!

4 Responses to “Caption Contest! What is Arnold saying?”

  1. Says:

    We created 150,000 jobs in California……love me….please love me!!!

  2. Says:

    “This is about as close to being in the White House as I’ll ever get.”

  3. Says:

    And now it’s time to play, “Where’s Maldo”.

  4. Says:

    “Is that Nancy Pelosi or is that a Terminator fan dressed up as a T-101?”