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Saturday Mail Delivery on the Chopping Block – Problem for Politics

Top CA political printer Vince Monaco just set out an article that talks about a USPS plan to cut Saturday delivery to street addresses.  Congress would have to approve the plan and if they don’t the Postal Service CFO says the USPS will go broke.

This change would have a huge impact on political campaigns which would have fewer mail days to communicate with voters before elections.  Typically Saturday is the last day you want to plan mail to hit voters’ mailboxes, partly because Monday is a buffer day in case it doesn’t arrive over the weekend.  Now with no mail delivery on Saturday or Sunday, Monday’s mailboxes will be that much more full and there is a better chance that political mail will be lost in the pile.

The article says mail will still be processed on Saturday – you could still make drop offs and mail would still be transported between processing plants.

Monaco says the proposal, if passed would be a game changer.