I learned that the American Conservative Union will be holding a fundraiser at the Nixon Library in Orange County in late April, and the featured speaker will be ACU Board member and former UN Ambassador, the Honorable John Bolton. $250 a head. Hopefully a good "cross-marketing" platform for Western CPAC in October in Newport Beach. And John Bolton is a superb speaker and a great American. Stay tuned…..Stepped out of CPAC briefly to celebrity chief Charlie Palmer’s on Capitol Hill for a quick lunch and saw former Republican Congressional Majority Leader Dick Armey holding court at the next table, and at a nearby table, "that blond woman who is always on Hannity," (Floyd Brown’s observation) whoever that is……….We had stripped bass and walleye pike, a Midwest favorite. Will attend the CPAC speech tonight, not eat, then off to The Palm for a late dinner with Steve Some, who was once, and with recent electoral changes will soon be again, the premier state government lobbyist in New Jersey……..CPAC is full of young people – smiling, fresh, earnest young faces, male and female alike, just waiting for the opportunity to tear a liberal apart. San Diego County’s Gary Kreep, President of the United States Justice Foundation, is leading a panel tomorrow at 12:15 pm entitled "Saving Freedom and Due Process from an Oppressive Justice Department."….Gary says that this CPAC is "very impressive for the young people here — these people are ready to rock’n’roll." (Maybe I’ll invite Kreep to join us at the Palm.) My good friend, fellow Californian Lew Uhler, looks hardly his 76 years as he busts between meetings to save the Republic. Notwithstanding his Yale education, Lew is a great guy………A pretty young black woman, maybe in her early twenties, stops Floyd Brown in the hotel lobby: "may I interview you," she says? "For what?" Floyd asks. "For my blog!," she replies! Floyd gives her 15 minutes……..Ron Nehring looks like Neil Cavuto with a dye job…….Harvey Hukari stops me in the lobby – the conservative sage of Vietnam era Stanford; icon of the defeat of the dreaded libertarians at the 1969 YAF National Convention in St. Louis, tells me with strong and clear-throated confidence: "Postrio is now open again." (Postrio is my favorite restaurant in San Francisco. Your publisher and me, and my wife Janice, had dinner there before attending Arnold’s last inauguration!…men in tux!). Harvey is with John Dennis, the leading Republican who will oppose Nancy Pelosi on the November ballot in CD 8. John is like an icon here: "you’re running against Nancy Pelosi????? Where can I sign up???? How much can I give????" John may not beat Pelosi, but he is aiming too, he looks great, has a great background, Harvey Hukari is brilliant, and who would not want to send John a $100 bill just to get under Nancy’s skin!

February 19th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Floyd Brown mobbed by attractive women. Some things never change !