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Jon Fleischman

The 30 Seconds I’ve Already Seen

The Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate Campaign has launched a new website,

I was hipped to the new site by this enticing tweet:

CarlyforCA: We re-launched today. Watch the 30-sec video Boxer doesn’t want you to see: #tcot #sgp #rs

I immediately went to the site — heck, maybe it would be a great video of Boxer being trampled by a herd of Fiorina’s Demon Sheep.  It turns out that the 30 second video was a retread of the "Call me Ma’am" moment when our state’s strident Senator dresses down a military general in a committee hearing.

Where have I seen that video before?  Just over 167,000 people have seen it in this great piece from the Chuck DeVore campaign.

I’m anxiously awaiting a follow up to the Demon Sheep ad (which now tops 700,000 views) — this certainly was not it.