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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Offers To Give Up CRP Convention Speaking Spot To Faciliate Debate

I’m a bit pressed for time today, so today it is the Poizner campaign that benefits from my just throwing up a press release to save me time (since the release references both this website and its publisher, how could I not?)…  I will say that we’ve now heard from over 450 CRP delegates and the ratio references below has not changed…

Poizner Offers CRP Convention Speaking Slot to Host Debate
CRP Delegates Overwhelmingly Support Convention Debate

Republican candidate for governor Steve Poizner announced today he will offer up his speaking spot at the California Republican Party convention in order to make time for a gubernatorial debate.  Poizner’s decision is in response to an overwhelming number of California Republican Party delegates who have stated they would like to see a debate at the party convention in March. 

“Let’s give the people what they want to see!  With the exception of Meg Whitman and her loyalists, just about every delegate, reporter, or anyone with a pulse wants to see democracy in action with a debate at the GOP convention, so let’s just have one,” said Communications Director Jarrod Agen.  “A Republican candidate for governor who is scared to debate in front of hundreds of diehard Republicans will have no chance in a general election against Jerry Brown.”

In a statement yesterday, the California Republican Party confirmed they have reached out to both campaigns regarding a debate at the convention for months.  Meg Whitman has declined a debate during all of those conversations.  In a Flash Report poll of GOP Central Committee members conducted by Republican Party Vice Chairman (South) Jon Fleischman, over 300 members have responded in favor of a debate compared to less than 30 who oppose a debate. 
The 10-1 ratio of support for a debate is an unmistakable sign that the Republican Party wants a chance to judge their candidates for governor side-by-side. 

In order to accommodate the wishes of the voters, Poizner will offer his speaking slot at the convention on Saturday evening, March 13.  If Saturday evening does not work for Meg Whitman, then Commissioner Poizner is willing to debate during Whitman’s speaking slot on Friday evening, March 12. 

Consider this a “formal invitation.”