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Mike Spence

More 59th Assembly District: Who did Jim Brulte Endorse?

Yesterday at a Luncheon featuring Dianne Feinstein (She is hoping that Democrats defeat the Republican minority that is to blame for all our problems next year) a few attendees complained I hadn’t posted anything new on the 59th Assembly District race.
Here is a quick update. Follow the links for more info.
Michael Rogers appears to no longer be running.
Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay has a kick-off this Sunday in Claremont. He has several former and current legislative staffers helping his campaign.
Ken Hunter is till running a grassroots campaign. He is the candidate that I think can be fairly described as coming out the Tea Party Movement.
Hesperia School Board member Anthony Riley has the support of several San Bernardino County Supervisors. The San Bernardino Sun did a graph linking him to the corruption in SB County. Riley took some money from one of the people being investigated. To be fair so did most politicians in San Bernardino County. However, negative pieces will probably not be so fair.
And the well respected former Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte endorsed Chris Lancaster. It has been a pretty good couple of weeks for Lancaster in the endorsement race. He added Bill Leonard and now Brulte. He also snagged Congress McKeon which all help on the SB County side of this district. Leonard represents part of the 59th now on the BOE and formerly as a State Senator and Assemblyman. On the Los Angeles side he picked up Sheriff Lee Baca and Claremont City Councilman Peter Yao. Previously Dick Mountjoy had endorsed Lancaster.
Soon we will take a look at the money and campaign teams for the candidates.

4 Responses to “More 59th Assembly District: Who did Jim Brulte Endorse?”

  1. Says:

    It is Ken Hunter…new blood, no nepotism in his DNA, business man, mountain man, straight talk, the establishment appears to not “know” him….perfect candidate!!!

    Yes….this is a puff piece!!!

  2. Says:

    The primary for the Fighting 59th is the most important Assembly race in California. Will the Republicans nominate an “establishment” candidate with corruption conections or a Reformer who will clean up the government mess?

    Ken Hunter is a clean government Reformer. Voters are just as angry at Republicans as they are at Democrats. We need a fresh face who isn’t tainted by corruption and who hasn’t been recalled for raising taxes.

    Anthony Riley is not only connected to the corruption hitting 4/5 of the SB supervisors, he is linked to the criminal indictments of the failed charter school scandal in the High Desert. He sits on the Hesperia school board, which is going broke. He got elected with teacher union money. Do the Republicans really want a union guy who is connected w/ 2 political corruption scandals to replace Adams?

    Chris Lancaster was already recalled for raising taxes. According to the Fair Political Practices Commission, he traded his vote for nmoney when he was on the Covina city council. He is getting endorsments from the establishment. Which endorsment is coming next, Anthony Adams? Enorsements from the establishment are not a plus in 2010.

    Ken Hunter is a Reform candidate who is going to clean up government. He doesn’t take money from unions, or the Colonies, either directly through PACs. He his running a grass roots campaign like Brown and Rubio.

    Ken is going to get California working by slashing govermnent spending and slashing regulations. He will work with other reformers to reduce the government burden on free enterprise.

    After Ken is elected, he will make sure that no Rinos defect from the 1/3 Assembly caucus, then he will work to get a Republican majority in the Assembly and a 2/3 majority by the end of his 6 years.

    Ken’s goal is to defeat the Democrat socialist statist agenda and get California working. There is no other goal which is worth a campaign.

    Recalling Adams was a field goal. Nominating Ken Hunter, who will defeat Democrats, not vote with them, will be a touchdown. Nominating a recalled tax raiser,a union guy, with corruption connections, would be a disaster for the Republicans.

    Thanks Mike for keeping the most important race in the news.

    John Wurm – Ken’s campaign manager

  3. Says:

    I have become a big fan of Ken Hunter. He is the real deal and has my support.

    Our state can’t take much more of the status quo from our greedy, short sighted elected officials. They and the unions are spending us into bankruptcy.

    It’s time for straight talk and action. We need less regulation and fewer taxes for our state to once again thrive!

    Go get em’ Ken!

  4. Says:

    According to the article, Anthony Riley “took some money from one of the people being investigated. To be fair so did most politicians in San Bernardino County.”

    Ken Hunter didn’t!

    Visit Ken’s website at and see if you like what he stands for. I do.