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Jon Fleischman

Lew Uhler Vouches For Meg Whitman On Paycheck Protection

This in just in from Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee…

The Paycheck Protection Initiative is too important to California’s future for it to be used as a political weapon in California’s Republican Gubernatorial Campaign. I have it on the highest authority that Meg Whitman is not opposed to Paycheck Protection and that she is not urging her supporters to boycott the initiative or ignore it financially.

For Steve Poizner’s supporters to say otherwise is inaccurate and should stop. And now that public employee unions have announced a multimillion dollar independent expenditure campaign against Meg Whitman, she and her campaign supporters have ever more reason to engage the unions directly by supporting the paycheck protection initiative.

There is no stronger backer of Paycheck Protection than Meg Whitman’s Campaign Chairman, former Governor Pete Wilson. Pete was directly and actively engaged in the 1998 and 2005 (Prop. 75) initiative efforts. Jeff Randle, Meg Whitman’s campaign manager, was the professional manager of the1998 paycheck protection initiative. Nothing would please either of them more than to stop the automatic, involuntary deduction of political dues from the paychecks of California’s public employees, monies that are then used for candidates and ballot measures contrary to the values and preferences of many of the employees.

California’s voters are more aware than ever that the vast sums of money spent in campaigns for politicians who favor bigger government and bigger taxes is their money. It is their taxes, involuntarily deducted from public employee payrolls and transferred into public sector union coffers. This money, literally hundreds of millions of dollars each year, is then deployed in overwhelming force in political campaigns, in order to elect union controlled politicians who have driven California to the brink of financial catastrophe. The Paycheck Protection Initiative will stop this perversion of democracy, and give California back to the people.

6 Responses to “Lew Uhler Vouches For Meg Whitman On Paycheck Protection”

  1. Says:

    Anyone with a brain knows bankruptcy is the only answer to stop this budget nightmare once and for all.

  2. Says:

    Sorry Lew. We’ll judge Meg by her actions. She can almost singlehandedly be the hero for getting Paycheck protection on the ballot if she really wants to. If she doesn’t step up and help with the paid signature gathering, that will speak volumes where she stands.

  3. Says:

    It very easy, she just needs to endorse the Citizen Power initative. Meg may have the connections, she just needs to make the actions.

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Lew, Sorry I missed you at your office in Roseville when I was up there on Jan.21 Paycheck protection is the greatest reform ever. I encourage both Meg and Steve to support this full on. Meg and Steve should have a contest to see who can raise the most support for it- because even though only one of them will be a winner in Nov., ALL OF CALIFORNIA will be a winner with this initiative.

    Ken “The Rino” Hunter

  5. Says:

    Once J. Brown makes his move….you better find a true candidate….it will not be pretty RINOS.

  6. Says:

    No Non-RINO Republican wanted to run. If a non-RINO Republican wanted to run they should of done the leg work earlier.

    However there is a news story that the Republican Party lost more registration and Latinos who are the fastest growing demographic are not joining our team, maybe if we can be Latino and Taxpayer friendly maybe we can get our margins better.

    Honestly I would love for more Republicans to get elected. However we have used so many demographic groups as wedge issue targets and they do not want to vote for us even if they were Abel Maldanado or Tom McClintock.