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Shawn Steel

Is the OC Sheriff Crazy?

Orange County’s unelected Sheriff Sandra Hutchens granted early release to 300 convicts to roam the streets. 

Was this necessary? Sheriff Lee Baca didn’t think so and did not release anyone early. The Sacramento Deputy Sheriff’s sued and won an order from Judge Loren McMaster holding any more premature releases. 

The Sheriff”s first duty is to protect the public. What is Sheriff Sandra Hutchens thinking? 

2 Responses to “Is the OC Sheriff Crazy?”

  1. Says:

    Now, how will Hutchens’ newly installed campaign manager Bill Christensen deal with this latest flap!

    Only time will tell!

  2. Says:

    I think it’s time to start calling her a rogue sheriff. She’s letting dangerous convicts out early, she doesn’t want us to have guns, and she’s can’t manage her department.