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Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Poway Recall of Councilmember Betty Rexford Qualifies for Ballot

The long, sad saga of Poway Councilwoman Betty Rexford reached what may be its final stage this morning.  The FlashReport just confirmed that the San Diego County Registrar of Voters completed its sampling of petitions submitted by recall proponents, certifying that more than the required 5,657 needed signatures were submitted.  Over 6,300 valid signatures were previously turned in.

This qualifies the election for June 8, with both the Rexford recall and an "if she is recalled, who replaces her" question to appear on the ballot, sure to start a scramble by potential candidates.

"June 8 can’t come too soon," said recall organizer Steve Vaus, "It’s a bad day for Betty, but a great day for Poway."

For more on the recall:

One Response to “Breaking News: Poway Recall of Councilmember Betty Rexford Qualifies for Ballot”

  1. Says:

    What a selfish person Betty is. She must need the paycheck however much or little that may be.