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Jon Fleischman

Campbell, DeVore, Poizner, and now Fiorina have all endorsed the CPI — It’s Time For Whitman To Get Onboard!

The pervasive and corrupting influence of the state’s public employee unions is obvious.  But we don’t need to tell Meg Whitman that, she’s talked about it on the campaign trail.

The Citizen Power Initiative, if passed, would curb the ability of unions to take money out of the paychecks of their members for for political purposes without their express permission.

There is no doubt that California will not get back on the right track until we can pass this important reform.

Tom Campbell has talked about this on the campaign trail — and has endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative.

Steve Poizner has talked about this on the campaign trail — and has endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative.

Chuck DeVore has talked about this on the campaign trail — and has endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative.

Carly Fiorina has talked about this on the campaign trail — and today has endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative.

That leaves only one candidate left on the campaign trail for Governor or U.S. Senate who has talked about this issue on the campaign trail, but who has NOT endorsed the Citizen Power initiative.

Meg Whitman, it’s time to stand up — it’s time to endorse the Citizen Power initiative.

I should also ad that it would be great of some of these candidates who are vastly wealthy should make a sizable contribution to qualify this measure.  Isn’t it nice of me to spend other people’s money?  ;-)

2 Responses to “Campbell, DeVore, Poizner, and now Fiorina have all endorsed the CPI — It’s Time For Whitman To Get Onboard!”

  1. Says:

    No one could seriously think that the passage of the CPI would solve California’s problems. However, if we had passed CPI 30 years ago, our problems would be measure by the handful and not the boatful.

    I cannot think of a reasonable argument against CPI and look forward to the most illogical, tortured and deceptive campaign in the history of organized labor to defeat it.

  2. Says:


    When will you get it….you need to educate the public there is no money for free government benefits and services….Republicans are daft to telling little people the TRUTH…

    Unions and Democrats constantly preach will get you more and more and more and then more again…

    Stop the trivia and side bars….educate little people there is no more money for free government services….

    Someone must talk realities….this sickening primary season reminds one of the ta dah’s during the recall drama…and look what it got us….a bigger spender than hapless Grey Davis!