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Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Alberto Torrico Blames Sacramento Sheriff For Early Release Of Suspected Rapist

This weekend, Assemblyman Alberto Torrico (D-Fremont), Chair of the Select Committee on the Prison and Rehabilitation, blamed Sacramento County Sheriff McGinness for the early release of Kevin Peterson, who hours after he was released from a Sacramento County jail, tried to rape a woman. 

Asm. Torrico noted that the actions by the county were:

“A total aberration of the law here in Sacramento County, unfortunately.  I think they had to do it intentionally, to try to lower their costs, to try to lower their population. It is a stretch beyond imagination what they have done here.”

“It is a complete stretch to apply the legislation to a county inmate especially a dangerous one like they did here in Sacramento.”

“What they are doing here in Sacramento is whole sale release of people who are not ready to be let out.  They are giving them credit for time they don’t deserve.  They are applying a statute that does not apply to county prisoners, it is a mistake and they put people in jeopardy here in Sacramento.” 

Actual Bill Language:
County Jail Credits.  “This bill would also revise the time credits for certain prisoners confined or committed to a county jail or other specified facilities, as provided.” (SBx3 18, pg. 2, Official California Legislative Information, Accessed 2/7/10) 

Los Angeles County: “Inmate Credit Changes.” (William T. Fujioka- Chief Executive, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 10/1/09)

Asm. Torrico Helped Write The Law.  “The alleged assault prompted several lawmakers to call for an immediate halt to the law’s implementation at the county level. ‘We’re no longer speculating.  An inmate was improperly released and almost raped a woman,’ said Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont.  ‘It’s obvious we’re creating a very dangerous situation.’ Torrico, who is running for attorney general and helped write the law, said he will introduce a bill next week seeking to remove counties from the law’s early release provisions.’” (Don Thompson, “California Law To Free Inmates Early Draws Protests,” Associated Press, 2/6/10)