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Jon Fleischman

Rest In Peace Ethie Radanovich

Just received word that Ethie Radanovich, the wife of U.S. Representative George Radanovich, passed away last night. She had been fighting cancer for some time. Our prayers go out to the Congressman, his family and their close friends. Very sad news, indeed.

One Response to “Rest In Peace Ethie Radanovich”

  1. Says:

    I remember the first time my wife and I met Ethie. We were impressed with George’s choice in a life partner. She was beautiful, an engaging professional, and a perfect complement to George as was George to her. Our memories of Ethie as a new mother holding their son King are still fresh yet time has slipped by. We haven’t seen Ethie for many years now but have been aware of her struggle. We were hoping that somehow she would pull through this and cannot imagine how George and King must feel. They are in our prayers.

    Cliff Unruh