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Jon Fleischman

Ron Nehring: Update From The RNC Meeting In Hawaii

The Republican National Committee is currently meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.  California’s three representatives are on hand — National Committeeman Shawn Steel, Committeewoman Linda Ackerman, and State Chairman Ron Nehring.  Nehring has penned a quick update for FR readers which he just sent in from paradise…

Members of the Republican National Committee meeting this week are working with a vastly different, and improved, national political dynamic than the one we faced when Chairman Michael Steele was elected one year ago.

Increasing numbers of Americans are identifying with our party, dissatisfaction with the Democrats’ agenda in Washington is sky high, and Americans are most concerned about those issues which are traditional Republican strengths: economic growth, job creation and winning the global war on terror.

The Republican National Committee, its sister organizations the National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee and the Republican Governors Association have worked together with our state parties to translate the new political dynamic into victories at the ballot box, most notably in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.

What are RNC meetings like?  The RNC meets in effect three times each year, once in Winter and Summer, and once for a State Chairmen’s Meeting.  The program is filled with presentations and panel discussions focused on sharing information on what’s happening in the field, and pathways to victory for our candidates going into 2010, and 2012.

As the Chairman of the RNC State Chairmen’s Committee, with the support of RNC Chairman Michael Steele we have resurrected regular meetings of the 56 state and territorial chairs at each meeting of the RNC.  Yesterday I chaired a three hour work session focused on discussing the recent campaigns in Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.  We also discussed various political and finance programs, providing an opportunity for state leaders to share ideas and best practices.

2010 and beyond.  Obviously both parties are focused on the 2010 mid-term elections, with Democrats facing an increasingly difficult political dynamic.  While control of Congress will dominate much of the discussion, the outcome of the 2010 races will also impact the political landscape for the next decade: the legislatures and governors we elect this year will be in control of the redrawing of new Congressional and state legislative district maps.  This is an important part of this week’s discussion.

A review of population trends shows that states in the northeast and Midwest will lose House seats following the next reapportionment, while southern and western states (other than California) will gain seats.  Some have observed that we have seen a population shift away from high tax states (Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Illinois will each lose a seat), to lower tax states (South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida will each gain a seat.  Texas will gain four).   

In short, Republicans at this RNC meeting are energized, encouraged, and ready to press the advantage going into 2010.

One Response to “Ron Nehring: Update From The RNC Meeting In Hawaii”

  1. Says:

    Tanned, rested, and ready after sipping cocktails in Hawaii.

    Talk about out of touch.