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Mike Spence

Mountjoy Endorses in 59th Assembly District Race

A few interesting developments that add to my original post.

Dick Mountjoy has endorsed Chris Lancaster. Mountjoy and later his son represented the 59th Assembly District. Mountjoy cites Lancaster’s Family Values and commitment on taxes. This is big endorsement that will help Lancaster with conservatives in the district. A big endorsement for Lancaster.

Also, Brett Henry the President of the local firefighters union has decided not run.

Stay tuned

4 Responses to “Mountjoy Endorses in 59th Assembly District Race”

  1. Says:

    Nepotism is as old as civilization…

    How about Ken Hunter, fresh face, bonafide business owner, mountain man, Patriot….of course, this is a puff piece! TOO….TOO…..TOO…

  2. Says:

    Ignorance is as old as civilization as well.

    Dick Mountjoy has been a beloved conservative leader in California since the
    1970s. He has supported EVERY good cause, has always been willing
    to aid volunteer GOP groups, and does it all with openness and humility.

    He was one of the original “Prop. 13 babies” elected in 1978, and he has
    NEVER forgotten his principles. When Dick Mountjoy endorses someone,
    that is NEWS !

  3. Says:

    We need fresh blood at ALL LEVELS of the Republican Party MACHINE….Ken Hunter should be given serious consideration!

  4. Says:

    The “Fighting 59th” doesn’t need or want someone who has already been recalled for raising taxes!

    Lancaster hopes that people will forget that he was recalled for raising taxes in the 90’s.

    Ken Hunter was fighting to replace, not only Adams, but also Adams’ hig tax policies, before he forced Adams to quit. Ken is working for the voters of the 59, not looking for a promotion at taxpayer expense.

    Visit to read about our next Assemblymen.

    John Wurm – Ken’s campaign manager