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Candidate Pushes for Term Limits in Laguna Hills

Barbara Kogerman, a candidate for Laguna Hills City Council in November 2010 is promoting a term limits initiative for the city.  The current city council has been in place for twenty years.  Kogerman thinks that’s too long.  

Laguna Hills is a well run city, not much happening there.  In fact there is nothing remarkable about the city.  The council is not terribly politically active.

Promoting term limits is a great way to get a name for yourself.  Kogerman is taking a page out of the Larry Agran (Irvine councilmember and political boss) play book that suggests building a relationship with voters on a policy level before asking for their vote.  Barbara Kogerman’s husband, Lt. Col. Bill Kogerman is an Agran ally and fellow Great Park board member (the corporation that is overseeing the redevelopment of the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station).

If the incumbents want to, they could probably fend off the insurgency.  But I am not sure they have the stomach for it.

One Response to “Candidate Pushes for Term Limits in Laguna Hills”

  1. Says:

    I live in Laguna Hills. To the contrary, there is definitely something remarkable about a city that makes prudent budget cuts when necessary and has a very substantial reserve. Maybe things will heat up later this year, but to date, I see no signs of an “insurgency” of any real consequence.