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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Campaign Announces Grassroots Coalition Team

Later this morning the Fiorina for U.S. Senate campaign will announce the formation of 17 new coalition groups in support of her campaign.  Those new groups, and their leaders, are listed below.  Fiorina will announce that she has tapped Gayle Pacheco, Chuck McDougald and Evie Coss to lead her grassroots leadership team.

Pacheco is currently president and owner of Western Hardware Company, an industrial hardware manufacturer and distributor. In addition to serving on the Walnut Valley Unified School District Personnel Commission, Pacheco also sits on the State Rehabilitation Council and is vice chair of the Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Pacheco was previously an elected member of the Mt. San Antonio College Board of Trustees and has served as an appointee to the California Workforce Investment Board. Pacheco’s husband, Bob, served in the California legislature.

McDougald, a Vietnam War veteran, served two combat tours and achieved the rank of captain during his five and a half years in the Army, from 1964 to 1969. Following his military service, McDougald lived in Asia for 14 years, during which time he earned a master’s degree in management and a doctorate in business administration. Since then, he has volunteered for several organizations and campaigns, including Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve and as chair of John McCain’s Western Region Veterans Coalition in 2007. He previously served as chair of Veterans for Carly.

Coss is a former senior-level executive with experience in both medium and large aerospace and automotive companies. Her extensive record includes achievements and real-world experience in risk management, leadership, customer care and nonprofit service. Coss has also served on many different boards and commissions in Orange County. After serving as a risk-management consultant for seven companies,

Fiorina today also announced the following coalition chairs:

  • Johnnie Morgan – African Americans for Carly
  • Kevin Kester – Agricultural Leaders for Carly
  • Wen Chang – Asian Americans for Carly
  • Reuben Franco – Business Leaders for Carly
  • Heidi Gallegos – Educators for Carly
  • Saman Dias – Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses for Carly
  • Judy Corless – Health Care Professionals for Carly
  • Larry Goldberg – Jewish Voters for Carly
  • Bob Pacheco – Latinos for Carly
  • Heather Flick – Lawyers for Carly
  • Mindy Fletcher – Moms for Carly
  • Dave Rudat – Public Safety Professionals for Carly
  • Carol Rudat – Real Estate Professionals for Carly
  • Steve Richmond – Veterans for Carly
  • Darcy Linn – Women for Carly
  • Brooke Chappell, Ray Grangoff and Ty Reagan – Young Professionals for Carly
  • Megan Rodriguez – Students for Carly

Fiorina’s campaign is pitching a new coalitions area of her campaign website as well, which you can check out here. (link may not be active until 10am.)

Needless to say, one of Fiorina’s Republican opponents, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, has been building a statewide grassroots network for over a year now.  It’s unclear to us whether the other GOP candidate, Tom Campbell, has any kind of grassroots network.

One Response to “Fiorina Campaign Announces Grassroots Coalition Team”

  1. Says:

    I think the word “astroturf” is more appropriate here than grassroots.