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Jon Fleischman

Eric Eisenhammer Cartoon: CARB’s Flat Tire

FR readers will recall that recently there was some controversy over an idea floated by the California Air Resources Board to actually put into place regulations requiring that your car tire pressure be checked to make sure they are at a state-mandate pressure.

FR friend and San Diego U-T Editorial writer Chris Reed wrote about the regulation’s proposal,and withdrawal.

Conservative cartoonist Eric Eishammer drew this cartoon.  We hope you enjoy it!  Look for more great cartoons from Eric soon!

5 Responses to “Eric Eisenhammer Cartoon: CARB’s Flat Tire”

  1. Says:

    sad but true…tire inflation is NOT the most egregious regulation proposed by CARB

  2. Says:

    If CARB wasn’t so dangerous this would be funny. They are as dangerous as the Obamunists in D.C.

  3. Says:

    Now what moron wouldn’t want better gas mileage?

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    The out of control regulatory agencies in California are killing any hopes of transforming our State into a business friendly environment.Not friendly to business = no jobs. We can fight against higher taxes all day long but once your tax money heads to Sacramento,the tax payer no longer has any control or say as to how it should be spent.

    The left wing socialist party that dominates the legislature in California will soon be facing the electoral firing squad in November.

    The liberal and moderate Republican candidates will be facing the electoral firing squad in the June primaries. This is going to be fun.

  5. Says:

    of course JR, any critic of CARB is “anti-fuel economy”! you either are purposely attempting to blur the distinction between means and ends, and are therefore a liar, or you do not see the difference, in which case you are an idiot.