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Meredith Turney

The AG Wants to Know: Conan or Leno?

California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown wants to know: Are you on Team Coco or Team Leno? This morning the presumed gubernatorial candidate tweeted: @JerryBrown2010 Big debate at the campaign office… Where do you stand?

The link takes visitors to the Brown for Governor 2010 Exploratory Committee web site, where there is the following poll:

Pick a Team: Team Coco or Team Leno?

Big debate at the campaign office… Where do you stand?
If you provide your name, zip code and e-mail, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a vintage 1974 "Brown for Governor" bumper sticker signed by Jerry.

Since the NBC debacle is the most interesting contest in California right now, it was only a matter of time before politicians began weighing in. How convenient and environmentally conscious for Brown to recycle his “vintage” 1974 bumper stickers…