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Jon Fleischman

GOP Assemblyman Danny Gilmore Announces Retirement; Endorses Valadao

In what was a not-so-great election year for Republicans in 2008, the election of Danny Gilmore to the Assembly in the Central Valley stuck out as a big win — a Republican pickup in a seat where Democrat Assemblywoman Nicole Parra had "termed out" after serving six years.

In what is perhaps the least unexpected announcement possible, as this has been "going
around" the Capitol for some time now — after serving only one term, Gilmore will be retiring from office?

It goes without saying that this is not great news for Republicans, who would undoubtedly be in a stronger position "defending" this seat as opposed to what will now be a competition for an "open" seat.

Below is a release put out by Gilmore this morning, that also includes him endorsing a replacement for his seat.

Assemblyman Gilmore Announces Retirement
Endorses David Valadao to Succeed Him

Sacramento – Assemblyman Danny Gilmore released the following statement today:

“I have dedicated my life to public service as a U.S. Marine, an Assistant Chief with the California Highway Patrol and now as an elected official. If I could sum up in one word my feeling about serving in the Legislature that word would have to be frustration. This most recent phase of public service does not suit my family or me. Simply put, I do not have the temperament or personality to be a long-term politician. Therefore, after discussions with my family, friends and colleagues as well as much prayer and reflection, I am announcing today I will not seek re-election to another term in the State Assembly.

“There are those who enjoy political games and legislative intrigue. I’m just not one of them. The time spent away from my family, particularly my precious grandchildren, has made my service in the Legislature that much more difficult. It is time to give my patient wife the time, attention and enjoyment possible with retirement that she so richly deserves.

“Fortunately, my decision was made much easier by the fact that we have a terrific Republican candidate in David Valadao to succeed me. David is a businessman and farmer who understands firsthand how difficult it is to run a business in California. David’s perspective and real world life experience is badly needed in the Legislature. His knowledge of agriculture and the private sector, and his deep roots in this district, will make David Valadao an outstanding representative for our area.

“I strongly endorse David and will work hard to ensure that he is successful in winning this seat. I am also gratified that my fellow Republican Assembly Members from the Central Valley are joining me today in endorsing David’s candidacy.    

“It has been a privilege to represent the people of the 30th Assembly District. I also want to thank my Republican colleagues for their wonderful support and encouragement. I am truly grateful for everything they do. Finally, I must express my gratitude to the many friends and neighbors who have shown such kindness to my family and me during these past few years in public life. I have truly been blessed."

One Response to “GOP Assemblyman Danny Gilmore Announces Retirement; Endorses Valadao”

  1. Says:

    Mr. Gilmore is an incredibly nice guy who was incredibly ineffective in his job and did little to try to change his caucus so it was more responsible. But give him credit for not being one of the sheep in his caucus not to stay to sit around and vote no on everything for six years.