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Jill Buck

California Republicans … Learn from Scott Brown

I’ve listened to all the FOX News pundits tonight, and they have all missed an important point. The reason Scott Brown won is the same reason that Senator McCain could have if his campaign (post-Super Tuesday) hadn’t been manhandled by the “Victory” operation. Like Senator McCain, Scott Brown is his own man, and Brown said it best tonight, “I know who I am, and I know who I serve.” He appeals to Republicans AND independents AND what we used to call Reagan Democrats, (until some wonk or another decided we couldn’t woo them any longer.) Do you know how many non-Republicans worked on Scott Brown’s campaign, and were in the room when he gave his victory speech tonight? If not, I hope you’ll find out.
Do you know how many PUMA’s, how many hard working union Democrats, how many pro-life Democratic Catholics, and how many independent thinkers would have worked their tails off for Senator McCain if they hadn’t had to make calls for down ticket Republican candidates who wouldn’t even acknowledge him as our Party’s candidate? I do…I worked with them before “Victory” came in. I’ve been a down ticket candidate, so I get it, but then again the “Victory” program didn’t help down ticket candidates in 2006 either. I think tonight’s election should spark fierce debate over the “Victory” program. If I had a say, I’d vote we feed it into a wood chipper, and adopt the Brown plan for 2010!
I’m so glad that Senator-elect Brown of Massachusetts did this the Reagan way, the populist way, in his pickup truck alongside the people. Party wonks take heed, and candidates…learn the right lesson from tonight’s real VICTORY. I live in the 18th assembly district where the GOP has 20% registration, and I can you tell that inasmuch as there are great Patriots who choose to register with the GOP, there are also great Patriots who choose to register as Democrats and Independents, and they are not necessarily against conservative ideas. They are our fellow Americans.
Candidates in 2010… I invite you to listen closely to Senator-elect Scott Brown. Know who you are. Know who you serve. And in whatever form it comes in…fight the machine!

3 Responses to “California Republicans … Learn from Scott Brown”

  1. Says:

    I’m more concerned about a better America than a better party, and if more Republican operatives had that focus, we’d all be better off.

  2. Says:

    McCain did not lose because of the failures of the Victory team. He lost because 1) George W was a bad president and America took it out on the Republicans and 2) Republicans who controlled Congress spent the past decade feeding at the trough of political pork instead of holding the line on limited government.

    Being out of power is making for a better Republican Party.

  3. Says:

    Calif. Republican politics is DOA. How could you trust a parade of RINOs covorting through Sacramento with Socialist-lite policy pronounciations.

    Scott Brown had a dream….he did it on his own…the machine in Mass. scoffed at him….he is a true true American. A patriot!

    What dreams do Calif. Republicans have? Whine….solicit donations stimulated by whines….live the good life….whistle past the barrio and hood on the way to the Balboa Bay Club or Pelican Hill Resort.