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Jon Fleischman

The Speech You Won’t Want To Miss

Scott Baugh has served as Chairman of the Orange County Republican Party for over five and a half years.  Prior to that he served in the California State Legislator for nearly as long, and was elected by his peers as Assembly Republican Leader.  In all of that time, Baugh has given hundreds, if not thousands of speeches.

Tonight, to use Baugh’s own words, he will deliver, "The most important speech of my life."

At 7pm this evening, hundreds of Republicans will converge on the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine for the first meeting of the year for the Orange County Central Committee.  Everyone is buzzing as word has spread that Chairman Baugh has been cloistered away — writing, honing and perfecting a speech that will shake the very pillars of the GOP.

If you live in Southern California, you should make every effort to make it tonight to hear this major address.

If you live further away or cannot make it, catch the live video stream of it, or look on Tuesday for the FlashReport to carry the video.

There will also be a live Twitter Feed of the event at #RCCOC.

I have had an opportunity to read an advance copy of what Baugh plans on saying — and let me tell you, he pulls no punches!

I look forward to seeing many of you tonight!

3 Responses to “The Speech You Won’t Want To Miss”

  1. Says:

    Long Beach Young Republicans meeting tonight, sorry I will have to miss Scott’s speech.

  2. Says:

    Goodie Goodie….can hardly wait…he will put bread on our tables, he will part the sea.

    The PUFF pieces on this site are incredible….

    Flash Report Junkies….think for yourself….these bloated party operatives have no ideas, no track record and are comfortable getting paid handsomely to be losers…put your money directly to help conservative candidates only….

  3. Says:

    When an ultimate insider demands a revolution and wants to hold elected officials accountable you have to scratch your head. How many of OC’s elected officials were elected without the support of Scott Baugh? And if you are going to call them out why not name names? Tell us who is bad and who is good according to you. Good speech, I don’t really disagree with any of it, I just have a hard time believing someone from the inner circle of OC’s power elite when he calls for tearing down the walls. Actions speak louder then words what will Scott Baugh do now?