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Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans In Leadership Discussions

Jim Sanders reports over on the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert blog that there is currently a leadership race taking place within the Assembly Republican Caucus.  That may be news to many FlashReport readers, though not news to it’s Publisher.  I’ve spoken with many members of the Assembly Republican Caucus over the last few days about this, and the dynamics.

That said, to the dismay of all FR readers, I wanted to remind you that while there is virtually no area that is "shielded" from my editorial wit, as a general rule, I do NOT write about the internal politics of the Republican legislative caucuses.  Which is to say there would have to be a really good reason to do so, like finding out that a potential candidate doesn’t read the FlashReport each and every day! ;-)

Good luck to all of the potential candidates for Assembly Republican Leader.  We’ll let you know how it turns out!