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Jon Fleischman

Americans for Tax Reform – No New Taxes Pledge

It’s that time of year when we highlight which Republicans running for statewide office, Congress, State Senate and Assembly have signed the Americans for Tax Reform No New Taxes Pledge.  This is NOT about playing "gotcha" though, or catching that candidate who would have signed but hadn’t thought about it.

So this is actually a "last minute warning" alert — we’ve been in touch with Americans for Tax Reform’s staff who are going to compile and send our way a list of those who have signed the form.  When they do, we’ll be publishing that list along with a list of those candidate of whom we are aware, that have NOT signed the pledge.

The best way to make sure you don’t end up being questioned for not signing the pledge, if you would like to sign it, is to go to and download the pledge form, sign it, and fax it in. 

Of course if you can envision a scenario where you, as a candidate, might vote to raise taxes, perhaps you should do everyone a favor — own up to it and don’t sign the pledge.  Only sign it if you mean it.