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Jon Fleischman

Logue’s Common Sense Bill To Suspend AB32 Killed On Party Line Vote

Here is some video footage from the legislative committee meeting earlier in the week when Democrats, on a party-line vote, killed Assemblyman Dan Logue’s common-sense legislation" until the unemployment rate in California falls below 5.5. percent. 

Look to see if the initiative co-sponsored by Logue and Congressman Tom McClintock to allow the voters to choose to suspect AB32 qualifies for November…

On a side note, check out the Honorable Wes Chesbro, looking an awful lot like either Wyatt Earp or Colonel Sanders.

6 Responses to “Logue’s Common Sense Bill To Suspend AB32 Killed On Party Line Vote”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Good Job Dan. I would support an initiative to suspend AB32 as would 70% of the voters. Keep working on that.Thank you very much for your work on 118. Lets also hope that a new conservative Governor and AG will help to squash AB32.

  2. Says:

    Just read some liberal whackos propose GREEN bldg. codes for California….this is only the start. For example….Walmart was turned down for a development in the Inland Empire based upon enviro considerations….ala Jerry Moonbeam’s “how are you going to mitigate greenhouse gases and related….” The nut job mayor of New York banned transfats….now he is out to cut significantly SALT from New Yorker’s diets. One of your curious No. Calif. legislators proposed taxing soft drinks…..too much sugar…laws have passed to let chickens stretch their legs; some want to ban cow manure…..I guess disposable diapers will be a interim answer.

    The California socialists have opened the gates to enviromental hell. Any business spraying, chipping, chopping, burning, brazing, sanding, growing something, watering, seasoning, smoking, milking, pruning, BREATHING, knowing, having, praying,selling, stocking, warehousing, curing, investing, saving, dreaming is DOA!

    Flashreport Junkies are a curious lot….they sit in their meaningless paper filled cubicles… some are in tony offices looking important, others haunch over in day trading war rooms ONLY reading about the great demise of a once productive, innovative and caring California.

    If you do not get off your collective fat KEESTERS and go after faceless enviro whacko government workers, regulators, board this and board that, admin groups,low level inspector pinheads and associated tree huggers your DOOMED!

    Voting is a joke, electing Democrats or Republicans only provides job security for parasites. Almost all politicans are not qualified to run a swapmeet stand, but their collective actions HAVE GIVEN US AB32.

    Most of you turn to GROUPS to save your bacon….Chamber this, POLLS, Hoover Commission that, half baked initiative hacks, Mr. Coupal’s group, etc…. like paying for and pulling petals off a Daisy. it ain’t working folks!!!!!! Daisies need replacing with PITBULLS!

    Who are these harmful, faceless people…lets go visit them on a regular basis…get to know them,,,,,show them what they are doing to us and California up close and personal….face to boards, offices regularily by phone, letter, fax, email, at little league games, movies, in front of their homes and apts. and their trailer park spaces, in their sorry cubicles, tree hollows and bat caves.

    Liberty requires hard work…otherwise….just roll over now….and submit to the shackles of a socialist government.

  3. Says:

    Actually, PPIC poll continues to show strong support for AB 32.

  4. Says:

    Steve….spare us the liberal drama….this state is going down the tubes and you darn well know it…

  5. Says:

    Sorry you have so little faith in our state.

  6. Says:

    No Steve, I believe the lack of faith is in the brain stems who are concentrated in government, not the state in general.