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Jon Fleischman

**Breaking News** Senator Mimi Walters To Run For State Treasurer

** Breaking News**  *You’re reading it first here, folks!*

Popular conservative State Senator Mimi Walters just moments ago shared with her Republican Senate colleagues that she is running for California State Treasurer.

Walters, who was first elected to the State Assembly and now serves in the State Senate is most recognized for her leadership role on the issue of curbing abuses of eminent domain, and for being an articulate spokesman on the issues of job creation and transparency in government action.

Senator Mimi Walters possesses a background in business, finance and local government. Prior to entering public service, her professional career included seven years as an Investment Executive at a major investment banking firm.

"Sacramento is out of touch and out of ideas," says Senator Walters. "Yesterday’s politicians have proven they cannot fix today’s problems.  We need to clean house in Sacramento before we can get our financial house in order.   Every interest, every cause, has a lobbyist and a voice on the inside in Sacramento. As Treasurer, I will make sure taxpayers have a voice on the inside."

Walters’ entry into this race means that incumbent Treasurer Bill Lockyer will have a strong fight on his hands to retain his office.  While Lockyer’s warchest may be large, the ultra-liberal from the Bay Area has to deal with the fact that 2010 is shaping up to be a terrible year to have a “D” next to your name on the ballot.  Of course 2010 is also a year when the top of the Republican ticket, our candidate for Governor, will have all of the financial resources necessary to mount a full-scale effort.  Not a bad time to be running down ticket.

While from Orange County, Walters enjoys statewide popularity with GOP donors and grassroots activists.

Lockyer, of course has been in office so long that the world is a different place since his first election to public office…in 1973!  Walter’s campaign consultant, Dave Gilliard, points out that in 1973…

  • Richard Nixon is President
  • Ronald Reagan is Governor of California
  • The Vietnam War still going
  • The Watergate Hearings Begin
  • The cost of first class postage stamp is 8 cents
  • The top TV show is All in the Family
  • The top movie is American Graffiti
  • The cost of an average house in $32,500
  • The State Budget is $7.4 billion
  • George Steinbrenner buys the New York Yankees for $10 million
  • Bill Lockyer is elected to the Assembly in a special election, starting a 37 year run as a Sacramento politician

Californian’s clearly deserve a Treasurer who will put taxpayers first, not government.  Don’t you think?  I do.

4 Responses to “**Breaking News** Senator Mimi Walters To Run For State Treasurer”

  1. Says:

    Wow! That is a shocker. I wish her well. I am surprised nobody has filed for controller yet other than me. I thought Tom Campbell might go for controller but I guess not.

    Good luck Mimi!

    Andy Favor
    Candidate for California State Controller

  2. Says:

    Isn’t Bill Leonard planning to run?

  3. Says:

    Hey, it’s a free ride for her, and gives her the ability to boost her ID. Let’s hope she uses plenty of her $$$ to waste on this run.

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    This is more good news. Sacramento will be getting a conservative makeover this year. Having the right people in these critical offices is important to guide the state in the opposite direction towards implementing sound economic principals. Maybe someday California will have a treasury to be the treasurer of. There is no gold in pirates’ chest, just a bunch of debt, notes and I.O.U.s.