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Bill Leonard

Budget Plan B

I am so grateful to Senators Feinstein and Boxer for quickly attacking Governor’s Schwarzenegger’s plan to get increased federal aid.  They killed it; it is dead.  My concern was that the entire special session on the budget would be spent wasting time asking our federal representatives for help.  Now that will not be necessary.  The Governor proposed a Plan B if the federal aid did not appear, and it is now time to implement Plan B.  It entails a great dismantling of the welfare state and would actually balance the state’s budget by real, permanent cuts in spending.

Feinstein and Boxer declared that California made its own troubles while totally ignoring their own poor immigration policy and the numerous federal mandates they created.  I would be curious to know what they think the California trouble is.  Do they support cutting excessive spending?  Or do they think that California taxes are not yet high enough?

In any event, thanks for such a speedy response so that the Governor can now focus on cutting spending.

One Response to “Budget Plan B”

  1. Says:

    Funny, Mr. Leonard, how you and Gov. Schwarzenegger were silent on getting our fair share of federal funding when your buddy George Bush was in office. Suddenly, now that you’ve ruined the state, it’s an issue.