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Jon Fleischman

Assemblywoman Conway: We Need Proven Results

We received this short testimonial from Assemblywoman Connie Conway in support of her chosen candidate for Governor of California, Meg Whitman…

We Need Proven Results
Assemblywoman Connie Conway

The new year has brought new encouragement to me: We can get California back on track. Our challenges are immense, our budget deficit is jaw-dropping and our red tape is out of control. But as I listened to the State of the State address last week, I heard a clear and prudent message. Republicans are going to insist that creating jobs is California’s first priority.
I know many business owners and they all wonder how basic business skills — such as managing budgets, being prudent with expenses, and seeking new opportunities — seem like such mysteries to some in Sacramento. I couldn’t agree more. In this election year, we need to continue Republican leadership in the governor’s office by focusing on jobs that will revitalize our state.
What we need is a person with proven business results, bold thinking and entrepreneurial leadership. In the race for governor, there is only one candidate who has that impressive resume, and it’s Meg Whitman.
Meg is the architect of eBay’s incredible success. She managed complex budgets and devised creative solutions to build eBay into a global ecommerce powerhouse, and she created thousands of jobs along the way. As a legislator, I can tell you that Meg is exactly the type of leader we need.
Meg, one of the country’s most successful business leaders, effectively managed complex organizations during times of enormous change. She ran eBay with a focus on fiscally sound principles.
By empowering individuals, she led the development of global ecommerce and inspired thousands to start small businesses. She demanded accountability, defined a course, and created continuous improvement. Most significantly, she delivered results.

Since launching her campaign almost a year ago, Meg is the only candidate who consistently has spoken about the need to make job creation the key priority in California’s future. She has a plan to create at least 2 million private-sector jobs by 2015 while reducing the state workforce and cutting taxes, fees and unnecessary regulations.
I know our state can rise, renew and rebuild itself. So does Meg.  

One Response to “Assemblywoman Conway: We Need Proven Results”

  1. Says:

    Meg Whitman:

    Pro-abortion and
    Pro-taxpayer funding of abortion.
    No experience in public office.
    No experience in running for public office.

    No thanks!