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Bill Leonard

Fraud at Your Business Can Lead to Big Tax Headaches

I have seen many cases over the years like the one before the Board of Equalization last week.  A CEO of a small business had an accountant on staff who had embezzled money.  In this case, the embezzlement included sales tax money collected from customers that was laundered into the pocket of the accountant rather than paid to the State of California.  The accountant was eventually imprisoned, but that still left the tax liability.  Under the law, the interest on sales tax proceeds starts the moment the return is due.   If the embezzlement goes on for years, that is a lot of interest, on top of the tax dollars and penalties.  In the case before us, the accountant set up a phony shipping company and directed the sales tax money to that company and called the expense “shipping.  CEOs and other corporate officers need to have a higher level of awareness than was exhibited in this case.  Under the law, other corporate officers cannot simply blame the accountant and not have to pay the interest, penalties and tax.  I am willing to sponsor a bill that gives the Board more flexibility when the interest clock should start so the Board can make a judgment as to when the CEO should have known taxes were not being paid.   But my point is that CEOs should have controls in place so that such extensive fraud does not go unnoticed, and their lack of controls is not a legitimate excuse if the fraud occurred over a long period.


One Response to “Fraud at Your Business Can Lead to Big Tax Headaches”

  1. Says:

    It is surprising to many businesses that their insurance policies do not automatically provide coverage for theft by an employee.
    A relatively inexpensive employee dishonesty bond can be purchased and it would save business the great pain that results from employee theft. And don’t worry about your employees’ feelings. The honest ones don’t care and the dishonest ones beware.
    There is a statistic out there that states that something like 50% of small business suffering a major embezzlement have to close their doors.
    Call your insurance agent and make sure you have this coverage.
    Vince De Vargas
    Insurance Agent- I know, I’ve paid these kinds of claims.