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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Governor Should Engage In An Honest Debate On The Negative Impacts Of AB 32

It would appear that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks that you (and me) are stupid. 


Chris Reed, a member of the editorial board of the San Diego Union Tribune, sent off a group of four questions to the Governor’s office all centered around the fact that the Governor himself insisted that there be a provision in AB32 that would allow for its suspension during tough economic times.  Given that we are in a recession, Chris’ questions seemed on point. Here are his four questions and the four unbelievable answers from the Governor’s office…

Q. California’s unemployment rate is now 12.5 percent. How does the present condition of the state’s economy not meet the governor’s standard for suspending AB 32’s implementation?

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19 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: The Governor Should Engage In An Honest Debate On The Negative Impacts Of AB 32”

  1. Says:

    Jon – excellent article. AB 32 should absolutely be suspended, and as the breadth and depth of Climategate becomes better defined, it becomes more clear than ever that the supposed scientific basis for AB32 is non-existent. CO2 reduction by California will contribute nothing to reduction in mean annual temperature. The law of diffusion guarantees that AB32 will not change global CO2 concentration, and certainly will have no effect on temperature, even if the AGW hypothesis were true but it is not.

    We have had global cooling since 1998, and the British CRU and the USA members of this cabal refuse to acknowledge this cooling – one of them, Kevin Trenbreth admitted “its a travesty that we cannot account for this cooling”.

    Despite Cliategate, despite record breaking low tempetures in 2008 and despite the current nation-wide monster storm of massive snow accumulations, the governor does nothing.

    The governor has his head firmly anchored in deep green sand; when he finally comes up for air, which will probably not be until after he is replaced, he will find a severely damaged state economy burdened with an anti-CO2 bureaucracy to keep employed and to be retired with taxpayer money, all for naught.

    Sarah Palin has an excellent article on Climategate considerations at the national level, however her comments apply identically to California. Here is the article site:

  2. Says:

    There you go again, Jon. Off the rails to the far far far far right. So, let me understand the thinking on planet Fleischman. AB 32 has not yet been implemented but… AB 32 is responsible for the current recession in California. Interesting. Would you care to explain how you come up with this stuff, Jon?

  3. Says:

    Flash Report has hit the ground running….applause!

    This issue is lasting and worth the political capital to sway Californians to evaluate where Democrats are going on job growth/creation.

    Make it simple….Cause…then what is the immediate and long term effects.

    Example: A variety of annual gasoline formularies are raising the price of fuel to average Californians…Cause: formularies; Effects: high per gallon cost to commuters, higher utility and food distribution costs.

    Educate Californians over the long term what is going on concerning oppressive regulations as the Coastal Commission, CEQA, green house gas regulations….do it in simple cause and effect commercials, news bulletins, political speeches and fund raisers, literature, Rice Krispies boxes and coffee cups.

    Flash Report Junkies: Listen! Your losing the communication battle with liberals, socialists and communists….put your penny loafers and golf clubs in the closet….hit the streets, the urban poor, the blue collar workers, the suburbs….green house regulations means high unemployment and a future shucking burgers and working banquet halls at minimum wage!

    Finally, become relevant instead of getting in the way….

  4. Says:

    Most interesting – I see there is more than one resident of planet Fleischman. Personally, I like the idea that gasoline is formulated specifically to reduce smog. I recall the days when the smog in the LA area turned white wall tires permanent yellow and one could not stop crying until you were well away from town. I think we all want clean air and those of us who live on planet earth are willing to pay a few cents extra. Unfortunately those of you who live on planet Fleischman appear to want to live in smog and drink dank water if you can save a few cents. But I still am waiting for our good friend Jon to explain how a bill that is not yet implemented is responsible for the current recession. Jon?

  5. Says:


    AB 32 is in fact adversely impacting the economy, NOW. The Language in AB 32 requires all local government to consider green house gas in any present and future development. Consequently, many city’s are doling out fat consulting contracts to “Environmental Engineers” to guesstimate a municipality’s current Green house gas output and develop a plan to reduce emissions while, at the same time, planning for higher population loads.

    In Sum: Local dollars being spent today on AB32 (redirected from other funds – diminishing the level of service constituents are used to) Zoning and Planning codes are being amended that will increase the cost of building new construction and remodeling existing buildings (like your home). Some of the research I have seen projects the cost of building a home will increase by 15% with AB32.

    Seriously Bob, with the condition of the State Economy, are you arguing in favor of creating more obstacles development and job creation (particularly construction jobs – the single highest sector of job losses in California) and in favor of taking local resources away customary services?

    Your previous argument is flawed in that suspending or repealing AB32 would not degrade air quality. The existing laws regulating air quality would not be summarily repealing with AB32 (and I suspect you know this Bob, but you put some nice spin in your post trying to imply that the sky’s would turn brown again the day after AB32 is suspended – not true.)

    Repealing AB32 will benefit local governments and job creation. The legislature should take this action now. It would remove an unfunded mandate from local governments and reduce a barrier to job creation.

  6. Says:

    Bob Evans….no one wants dank or dirty air….I am only pointing an example where are CAUSE is creating JOB LOSS, higher distribution costs for products. Get it JOB LOSS, HIGHER COSTS.

    If people understand the trade offs, perhaps, they will make more intelligent decisions, but the EPA, Commissar Salazar in D.C., Comissarette Carol Browner and fellow ilk just ram stuff down consumers and business throats without explanation and in many cases it is JUNK SCIENCE.

    The latest nightmare for 2010 is the removal or retrofit of gazillions of diesel trucks in California to the tune of over 1 billion dollars to cash, benefit poor truck operators.

    A private business may have the best widget in the world, but if it is too costly or costs too much to operate it does not come to market, but facists,communists and liberals think just raise costs…the resulting job loss, lowering of the standard of living is worth the offerings to the enviro god BAL….

    The only reason regulations and oppressive laws are enforced in California is California citizens are not informed of the phenomena: wearing a ball cap and apron at El Pollo Loco vs having a high paying, benefit laden manufacturing job with reasonably cost/effective clean air technology.

  7. Says:

    I’m still waiting to read Jon’s explanation about how a law that is not yet implemented caused the current recession. And frankly, if the report above is true, it seems the law in question is causing a veritable plethora of jobs in the field of writing clean air plans – a good thing, I think.

  8. Says:

    Bob Evans…I have never heard of Jon hiding under his editorial desk. His site is pretty darn good considering the awful news he brings to Flash Report Junkies.

    Me thinks Jon points to CEQA, Coastal Commission, Air Quality Management District, tree huggers, Earth Day nimrods, Rachel Carson’s Ghost ala that dreadful “Silent Spring” book, the spotted owl fanatics and ELF as some of the forerunners to the facist AB32….

    Toyota did not pull the plug on the No. Calif. auto plant without evaluating regulations, taxes, union pay and benefits thoroughly…

    California has lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs to Mexico, China, India and bordering states over the last 20 years.

    Jobs created writing clean air plans etc. by commissars and enviro introverted misfits will eventually be shipped to India or Manila….the globalists will actually do some for good for a change!

  9. Says:

    My goodness. I never knew that clean air and water was, in reality, a fascist plot. Or the realm of misfits. And I’m still waiting to read an explanation of how a law that is yet to be implemented is responsible for the current recession. Jon? Please explain your reasoning.

  10. Says:

    Bob Evans:

    Clean air and water are noble goals, but liberals in the legislature enact draconian regulations:
    Central Valley farmers cut off from water for farming….an area the size of Rhode Island and the area that grows the most tomatoes in the world.

    Your side is plain sick…..cutting off food production hurts poor people. Also, The loss of jobs in the area for minorities is staggering; the land will be barren, ruined without ample water.

    I guess having hard working people on welfare is the HOPE AND CHANGE you relish…

  11. Says:

    My side, Mr. Bosich? My side is clean air and water. Noble goals? I think not. Necessity. I think so.

  12. Says:

    And I am still waiting to read Jon’s reasoning on how a law that is yet to be implemented is responsible for the current recession – that started in 2008.

  13. Says:

    Bob Evans:

    In an economy in free fall due unions, zealous enviro workers, legislators and welfare enablers tightening their grip on our freedom….there is lots of negativity, fear and indecision in the business community coupled with massive deleveraging… the lack of home equity lines of credit and working capital loans for medium/ small business.

    Private industry in California is morphing into high productivity business models free of crushing labor and capital costs and related overhead primarily from advances in the information age….crackberries,fax,email, digital/mobil everything, cheap airline fares and shipping alternatives.

    Adding AB32 sets dangerous policy to stifle economic activity…it will lead to arbitrary political abuse to please the enviro god BAL….and further the morphing of businesses resulting in less employees in the workforce.

    Bob…we will survive…just like the movie…”The Postman”…we may appear tattered, bathe infrequently, drive rusted out JUGOS and hovel nears California’s borders importing goods and services to the corrupt California liberal kabal.

    Bob… in our dingy dives/ diners…spotted owl is our preferred fried chicken! Bon Appetite!!

  14. Says:

    My dear Mr. Bosich. Please, take a chill pill. And have a nice clean glass of water – with a little adult beverage if you are an adult – and go out and breath some nice clean air. It will be a good thing for you.

  15. Says:

    Bob Evans….I can only afford old fashioned Ripple or Thunderbird after paying my property taxes and estimated taxes for qtr.#4. Now…that is ADULT….is it not?

  16. Says:

    We need to suspend the clean trucking law because that is killing more jobs too.

  17. Says:

    This geraniums or smokestacks argument has been going on in California since Mexican settlers arrived in 1776, I think. It will not be resolved here. But because of clean air and clean water legislation over the years we do have – now – cleaner air and water. Is it perfect? No. Should we simply stop trying? No again. The reason California is a destination is because it is a beautiful golden place in which to live. And it is up to every one of us to try and keep (or recover) the beauty and healthful climate. If that means putting some equipment on our autos, trucks and manufacturing plants to help clean up the dirty emissions, so be it. If that adds a penny to the cost of living in this state, I am willing to pay that price. And the notion that AB 32 is costing jobs now even though it has not yet been implemented is silly. I see there is speculation at some right wing think tanks that because some people think there may be draconian regulations these people may be holding off on hiring or building or investing. But so far I’ve seen no documented evidence of this phenomenon. The California of my youth (the 1950’s) was not a better time, environment wise, than now. The regulations put in place by California to clean up auto emissions in the 50’s and 60’s have made the air and water much cleaner now. And if AB 32 is not the answer to cleaner air and water, then it is up to you who disagree with that law to come up with a better idea – not to simply bash AB 32 and express a desire to return to the bad old days of smog that turned white wall tires yellow and pealed the paint off walls while raw sewage flowed down our rivers and creeks.

  18. Says:

    Bob there you go again…..

    So. California has turned into an armpit since my arrival on a terribly smogeee day in March 1966. I asked a filling station guy about it…he inferred he rarely saw the sun….shrugged my shoulders…this is the price for nice weather?

    Fast forward many moons:

    Today on news….costs an average Los Angeles resident $2500. in maintenance and repairs on their vehicles due to the bad roads…there is a 75-100 year backlog on fixing curbs, gutters and sidewalks. The vista driving to downtown La on the #5 freeway is similar to third world countries…..the drop out rate in school is about 40% per year. They are shutting down Freemont High School in La, for only 1.5% of students are proficient in math and about 20% are proficient in English.

    Hmmm….The air and water are better, I guess.

    Liberalism,,,, whacko regulations,,,,hand outs to serial nonproducers,,,,the rise of the welfare state,,,the fracturing of local society along ethnic and racial divides(pricked by hack politicans),little community particpation in civic and security affairs, the lack of caring for one’s neighbor, the huge and alarming drop off in decent well paying jobs for ready and willing educated workers. A city where only 22% of the population is considered middle class..

    We all want clean air and water….WE HAVE PAID FOR IT, but the inept politicans have squandered billions and billions of dollars on suspect people needs neglecting roads, hospitals, bridges, canals, dikes, dams, communications, water, etc.

    Get ready for a tough year in 2010, a 20 billion budget shortfall again….let us see who benefits in 2010….moochers, unions, gov. workers or the real producers….something has to give!

  19. Says:

    Are you really dishonest, or really stupid, Bob?
    AB32 is not about cleaning air or water by eliminating or reducing noxious substances; it is about reducing emissions of the perfectly normal – and in fact NECESSARY for life on earth substance carbon dioxide.

    For the sake of “the polar bears, Daddy”, California has decided to impose drastic regulations on everything from the type of homes that can be built to manufacturing to raising livestock.

    Business owners aren’t stupid. California will become an increasingly expensive place to do any sort of business as AB 32 is implemented. They understand it, and plan in advance to not be caught up in the ridiculous emissions targets. That means not setting up new facilities in California and moving existing ones out when possible.

    You’re welcome to cut your own carbon dioxide emissions to zero, Bob, if you feel so strongly that AB 32 is a good thing. Just don’t do it the Buddhist monk way, as that increases emissions drastically in the short term.