Our Governor made a good decision for Republicans and our state in appointing Abel Maldonado Lt. Governor. First, Abel is a capable politician, who routinely garners huge votes, way above Republican registration, in his elections. At a time when our party can’t even muster enough votes to beat Barack Obama in John Campbell’s Orange County Congressional district. This is a smart move. An even smarter move for conservatives, and Abel and Arnold, would now be to rally around one really conservative, rooted State Senate candidate to fill the open seat created by Arnold’s appointment. A Tom Bordanaro would be great, not sure if he is in the district, but a rooted conservative like Tom would be a great pick-up in the state senate. As for Abel’s budget vote, I didn’t like it. To be successful with Republicans and in California in future, Abel needs to stick to our basics: lower taxes and less government spending. He has a chance to help our party reach out to Hispanics, who are traditionally conservative, and potentially a gold mine for our party if handled correctly. I’d like Sheila Kuehl much less as Lt. Governor! Good job, Arnold! Stick hard to basic Republican principles in future, Abel!

November 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am
His endorsement of Prop 1A is bad enough.
The “open primary” ballot initiative that was his pay off for supporting 1A will destroy political parties in CA as we know them. Where I live, San Francisco, there will never be a Republican in the general election. The debate will be between far left and farther left. In other areas the debate will be between far right and farther right. Minor party candidates will never again be in a general election. Political debate will be stifled.
November 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Maybe he will drop that now. He has more to do!
November 24th, 2009 at 12:00 am
GOP Assembly leader Sam Blakeslee of San Luis Obispo is the Morning Line
favorite to run for the state senate vacancy. Blakeslee is term-limited from the
Assembly, (per the San Luis Obispo Tribune).
And Tom Bordonaro? He is now the elected County Assessor in SLO.
So, there are various possibilities to consider.
Perhaps you could do a “Funny Numbers” poll in that district later on?
November 24th, 2009 at 12:00 am
IMO, This appointment is a big thumb in the nose to the citizens of the State of Ca. from Arnie & the Republican Party , can you say , Quid Pro Quo ? , until this political dealing stops , this State will never recover to the days this State was referred to as Reagan Country
November 24th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Mr. Sills: thank you for this info. I think Blakeslee would be excellent and a boost in the state senate for conservatives. As to “funny numbers,” I appreciate your humor! I don’t have reason to poll this one yet, though my polls are always pretty accurate. I just hope conservatives band together in the race. However, I did read a book about doing polls. it wasn’t that long, either. A problem and risk to a hack in calling one of these polls “funny numbers” during a campaign is that eventually the election happens, not only proving the data, but also proving the hack.
November 24th, 2009 at 12:00 am
On the open primary I think Mr. Epstein is reading it wrong. Wheras before Republican endorsements and votes in San Francisco were unimportant (as were Democratic endorsements in Newport Beach) Now candidates will have to compete for that support and over time you may be able to build up a following as part of a coalition with the ability to win some races. Certainly your chances are a lot better than they are with the current closed system.