I am getting sick of reading Frank Mickadeit’s stupid columns in the OC Register. Who the hell is he to have all that column space anyway? Was he born in California? He writes about himself going to law school at Chapman. Hell, I went to Pepperdine Law School when it was in Anaheim in the early 1970s and I never heard of Frank Mickadeit when I was there! He writes frequently about "pollster" Adam Probolsky and what he does. Well, all it takes to be a pollster is to read a book! BIG DEAL. Mickadeit just writes about people who call him or get in his face, sometimes manipulating him just to get written up in his column in the Register. That is a problem with "journalists," they love brown-nosing and have too much power, There is a lot more going on in California and Orange County politics than Frank’s column, and his column seeks to be "insider" outlook, but it is more than a little lame. Last Thursday, he wrote that former State Senator Dick Ackerman should get a lobbying contract regarding the Orange County Fairgrounds. Frank, did you notice that Linda Ackerman lost her election on the same Tuesday?

November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Well, Jim, to offer a counter point. I enjoy reading Frank’s columns. I know he is not reporting “news” per se, but rather has fun penning what is a more gossipy “world as he sees it” kind of column. That said, I do get a lot of news from what he writes.
I admit that my opinions of Frank’s writings are colored by a personal friendship with him that has developed over many years.
Bottom line — it’s okay that Frank pisses you off. Sometimes I don’t like what he writes. But he’s a good guy and the Register would be that much more dull if he didn’t have his column.
And as for Adam, I have worked with him both and political and external to politics, in his profession as a pollster. I think he does a good job.
Oh yeah, as slate mail vendors and attorneys schooled in political law go, you do a good job, too!
November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Even more brown-nosing of several large posteriors.
November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Well Mr. Lacy, let me explain why Frank Mickadeit is in the OC Register in simple terms even you should be able to understand: Mr. Mickadeit appears in OC Register because his writing makes money for them. Otherwise he’d be gone. The Register is not in the charity business like the politicians in this state.
Now you may not like his writing and that’s your right but a lot of people do. I’m one of them. If he’s out for the day I miss reading his column. Funny, I’ve never felt that way about your writing.
For the record Mr. Mickadeit says he was born in Lompoc making him a Californian like me and he just started going to Chapman. I went to grade school, high school an college here in Southern California and I never heard of you until I came across your column. I guess that means I can ask who the hell is James Lacy and why does he get a column in FR Blog.
I think you own Frank Mickadeit and the readers of FR Blog an apology for your infantile outburst.
November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Hey, it’s a democracy. But for what it’s worth, Jon got it not completely right. I’m an attorney, own California’s largest slate mail company, and now I am a pollster because I did a successful poll you don’t need much education to be a pollster.
November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
I perhaps was a little harsh here, but maybe didn’t entirely explain myself. What ticks me off about Frank’s Thursday column is: 1) the idea that someone has to be hired with government funds to lobby about their position on the Orange County Fairgrounds. The problem with the Fairgrounds should not end up being a smorgasbord for well-connected people to line their pockets with taxpayer money just to speak their mind. Public spiritedness ought to be enough to speak out, voluntarily, and for free, for the benefit of the community. If Frank thinks Dick Ackerman has something to say about the Fairgrounds, why would Dick need the additional financial encouragement of taxpayers money to say it? 2) I also didn’t understand why the Thursday column would mention Dick but not mention
his wife Linda lost an election two days earlier. The
combination for me was just a little over the top.
November 22nd, 2009 at 12:00 am
Frank Mikadeit is interesting, fair, humorous, and even handed. A good read every day.
November 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am
The comment that Frank writes for the Register because he makes them money is ridiculous. Print newspapers are nonprofits now, in fact they are gigantic black holes which suck money into oblivion. I enjoy the Register and from time to time I find Frank’s columns interesting, but it is the medium which we are all using in this conversation that will dominate our news and editorial expressions in the future.