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Jon Fleischman

Team Whitman: Meg, Not Poizner, Has Credibility

We received the following volley from longtime FR friend Bob Haueter.  Bob is the Chairman of the Meg Whitman for Governor Campaign in Los Angeles County…

Bob Haueter: Support The True Fiscal Conservative
By Bob Haueter
Whitman for Governor Los Angeles County Regional Chairman

Californians know well that our state is in a fiscal meltdown, with new budget deficit projections running as high as $25 billion.  

Each of us is feeling the pain of the failure of Sacramento politicians to rein in spending and make state government live within its means.

Between budget years 1998-99 and 2007-2008, state general fund spending grew an astonishing 80 percent, from $58 billion to $103 billion. And in the past few years, while Californians faced layoffs, home foreclosures and higher taxes, state government continued to hire.

This must stop.

We need real leadership in Sacramento. We need someone who will watch out for Californians. And we need a leader with honesty and integrity.

Recent media reports have exposed the claims by Steve Poizner as untrue.

On the campaign trail, he says he has cut the Department of Insurance budget by nearly 15 percent. News reports, based on state records, show the department’s overall budget had grown.

On the campaign trail, he says he has cut 200 employees from his staff. News reports, again based on state records, show nothing of the sort.  And he even opposed furloughs for his employees.

On his website, Poizner has tried to pass off insurance rate cuts as tax cuts. That is dishonest. They are not tax cuts. And a recent investigation by the San Jose Mercury News found that after Poizner tweaked regulations, insurers were allowed to hike rates more than $280 million.

Why is Steve Poizner deceiving Californians on the campaign trail?

Because he is a typical Sacramento politician who will say one thing and do another. He cannot be trusted to bring honest, common-sense management to California government.

I am a Meg Whitman supporter because she is the only Republican candidate who has not proposed raising taxes.
Meg is the true fiscal conservative in the race. In fact, she is the only fiscal conservative in the race.
Bob Haueter is Whitman for Governor Los Angeles County Regional Chairman and has served as Senior Deputy for Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich and Chief of Staff to the Republican Caucus of the California State Assembly.

3 Responses to “Team Whitman: Meg, Not Poizner, Has Credibility”

  1. Says:

    WHat do you expect…..the party in California is so weak it cannot fend off political imposters from running in primaries.

    It is downright embarassing running a Democrat on the Republican ticket.

    The only thing Whitman knows about “cutting” his her toe nails.

  2. Says:

    Go Meg!!

    I agree. She is the better candidate.

    Luis Alvarado

  3. Says:

    Bob, how is Ms. Whitman’s fight going to save the Delta Smelt while farmers’ crops are without water?