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Jon Fleischman

Republican Aguiar Tapped For Almost Top Spot By Governor

Today the Governor announced that he is promoting Fred Aguiar to be Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor.  At the same time, he has tapped Aguiar’s long-time protege and trusted right-hand Scott Reid to be Cabinet Secretary (the primary liaison between the Governor’s Executive Office and the various Agency heads).

Aguiar has served in the Schwarzenegger Administration in a variety of capacities from Agency Secretary to Cabinet Secretary, to Commission appointee.  Aguiar has served on the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (during what now seems like the good old days) and served in the State Assembly.

I have known Aguiar for many years and know him to be a calm, collected and pretty conservative guy.  We applaud Governor Schwarzenegger for elevating Aguiar’s role in his administration. 

That said, Fred, your job will certainly be a tough one.  The seeming inability of the Governor to apply any consistency in his governing philosophy (except his now record-long "channeling" of Al Gore on the issue of regulating everything that moves, walks or talks to impact carbon emissions) will present a unique challenge for you and for Mr. Reid.

If anyone is up for it, though, you are.

There have been rumors lately that the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, may depart early to make some big bucks before the Governor’s final term is over.  I don’t know whether to give credence to those rumors or not.  But it is reassuring to know that if Democrat Kennedy does leave, that there is a solid Republican in the wings, who could easily sit in her chair.  Whether he could match her cigar for cigar is another matter…

One Response to “Republican Aguiar Tapped For Almost Top Spot By Governor”

  1. Says:

    Fred is a great pick. Godspeed.