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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Blasts Poizner In New Wed Ad: DOI: Las Vegas Investigation

When the dam breaks, you know that the water is going to rush through and wash out that quiet little town down the hill. With that same certainly, you knew when you saw this rather awkward (for Steve Poizner) article run over the weekend in the San Jose Mercury News, that you would invariably see the Meg Whitman campaign figure out a way to "elevate its prominence in the political marketplace" — they have created a web ad.

Of course, as I have said all along, I am a total sucker for these things. So here is a hard hitting web ad from the Whitman campaign blasting Poizner. When the Whitman campaign released the hit, they also sent out some backup materials, which you can read here.

We’ve emailed the Poizner campaign, asking them if they have any general or specific response to this piece. If we get a response, we’ll share it!

2 Responses to “Whitman Blasts Poizner In New Wed Ad: DOI: Las Vegas Investigation”

  1. Says:

    It is time for Flash Report to put Whitman to task….

    This candidate is a flaming joke and an insult to the Republican brand.

  2. Says:

    You can always tell when a political add is especially effective. Thank you for that Robert!