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Meredith Turney

Heritage Foundation: Big Labor Is Bankrupting Our Country

One of the greatest—if not the greatest—hindrances to real government reform in California is the unions. Flush with cash from mandatory dues, these self-serving organizations exert so much power over the majority party that they brazenly issue public threats against legislators. The Heritage Foundation posted a blog this morning reporting just how big a threat organized labor is to the rest of the nation. 

Heritage scholar James Sherk explains that unions are no longer organizations that protect the interests of workers in the private sector. Instead, the majority of union members are in government, sapping taxpayer dollars for benefits and pensions that private sector employees will never see—especially since the private, productive sector must finance these government workers’ benefits. 

Sherk cites California as an example of unions pushing for taxes on private entities to finance their entrenched government bureaucracy: “In California, the SEIU spent $1 million on a television ad campaign pressing for higher oil, gas, and liquor taxes instead of spending reductions.” 

Paycheck protection would transform California—and the rest of the nation.

One Response to “Heritage Foundation: Big Labor Is Bankrupting Our Country”

  1. Says:

    Somehow some way we need an initiative to get control of union wages, pensions, overtime and benefits. ALso, we need tight tight budgets for direct labor, overtime costs overseen by someone other than the current sympathetic partisan controller…

    Until sanity comes to labor dollars….the abyss waits…