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Jon Fleischman

Coupal/HJTA 1, Maviglio 0

Today in Capitol Weekly, Democrat Party operative (and former Deputy Chief of Staff to both Speaker Fabian Nunez and Karen Bass) Steve Maviglio pens a column on why he thinks selling the water bonds to voters will be a tough sell.  

In his piece, Maviglio takes an uncalled for at the integrity of Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.  Normally I wouldn’t reprint this garbage, but Coupal has penned a response to Maviglio that is best understood in context:

Maviglio’s Cheap Shot
Note to water bond proponents: before you even buy office furniture, the first campaign check should be written to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation. Jon Coupal, the Foundation’s director, has hemmed and hawed on this thoughts on the bond. Translation: he’s open for business on support.

Jon Coupal Responds
If all you have is a hammer, all problems start to look like a nail.  And when you are a consummate shakedown artist, you assume that all issues can be leveraged for financial gain.  That’s why it would never occur to someone with a reputation as sleazy as Steve Maviglio’s that HJTA might actually take a position on the water bond that is consistent with the interests of taxpayers.  Don’t worry, Steve.  We won’t profit one penny from this.  But there are legitimate competing concerns about the size of the debt and the amount of pork in the package balanced against legitimate needs for water.  That’s why we are going to take a close look at this.

And Steve, you might want to judge issues based on actual policy considerations sometime.  It would be a refreshing change for you.

7 Responses to “Coupal/HJTA 1, Maviglio 0”

  1. Says:

    Apparently I hit a little too close to home for Mr. Coupal to elicit that kind of personal character attack.

    “Close look” equals “open for business” in my book. If you’re such a great guardian of the taxpayer pocketbook, why aren’t you opposing it for fiscal reasons now? Why a “closer look”? The HJTF routinely opposes bond measures (education etc.)., yet this one deserves a “close look” even though it already has gone through the legislative process.

    I’d be glad to debate a policy issue with you anywhere, anytime. Perhaps it would help you justify your $300,000+ a year salary and help pay for all those mailings scaring seniors into donating by falsely raising the threat that Prop 13 is on the table.

  2. Says:

    This pending bond election is DOA.

    Even the moochers will figure out shortly it is a war of competing interests…, welfare, education, health, infrastructure…more bonds equals less for all interested parties.

    Why doesn’t a practical Californian put up an Initiative to stop the rail boondoggle recently passed by the uninformed electorate….this is a classic example of fiscal madness!

    As Glen Beck rants: Bold ideas, question everyone and every thing about government and the political elite… neither party is your friend…..

    Tough love time?

  3. Says:

    Maviglio was a hack for the corrupt pay-for-play Gray Davis administration. Voters passed their judgement on Maviglio and his corrupt pals in October of 2003. He has no credibility to lecture anyone on ethics!

  4. Says:

    Wow, Chris, now there’s another intelligent personal character attack. How about the voters rejection of your pal, Tom McClintock, in that same election? Or the rejection of every single right-wing candidate in the general elections of 2004 and 2008, and the rejection of the right-wing ballot initiatives in 2005?

    So, really, spare me the lecture.

  5. Says:

    Tom McClintock is a Congressman and one of the most popular Republicians in California. Gray Davis is the ONLY governor in the history of California to have been recalled from office. He couldn’t get elected dog catcher. You were Davis’ official apologist in chief, so I know the truth hurts.

  6. Says:

    Tom McClintock (carpetbagger) won a solidly Republican seat by a handful of votes. Popular? He’s never won a statewide office despite his many, many attempts and now is a nobody congressman.

  7. Says:

    Tom McClintock (carpetbagger) won a solidly Republican seat by a handful of votes. Popular? He’s never won a statewide office despite his many, many attempts and now is a nobody congressman.