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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Interview With Carly Fiorina, Candidate For United States Senate

Today is going to be a big day for Carly Fiorina.  The former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard from 1999 through 2005 will make it official that she is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate.  Her goal is to retire the ultra-liberal and ineffective incumbent, Barbara Boxer, next November.

As I like to say here on the FlashReport, we are "fair and biased" — and so I don’t mind laying out for all that there is no one that I can think of in the United States who combines the qualities of liberalism and shrillness into an all-together nauseating toxic cocktail of a politician.

In advance of her official announcement today, I had a chance to sit down with Fiorina.  While normally I would try to release a lengthy interview in more digestible segments, in order to help FR readers assess this new entrant into the U.S. Senate race I have decided to print a transcript of the entire interview, which runs a little long (it represents about a half-hour of actual chat time).  The topics are varied and I think you will enjoy reading it.

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: An Interview With Carly Fiorina, Candidate For United States Senate”

  1. Says:

    RINO….don’t waste your money!

  2. Says:

    I think after the NRCC NY-23 debacle and the numerous examples of favoritism towards RINOs by the these national GOP committees, that the people in charge here should be fired.

    Carly is obviously their choice here in CA even though we have a great proven conservative in Chuck DeVore running.

  3. Says:

    DeVore is even polling better..

  4. Says:

    If we purged the RINOS back in 1994 we would of not won the majority, just as much as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid winning their majorities with DINOS.

    If Harry Reid had Bernie Saunders type candidates in states like North Carolina, he would not of had his majority. The same could be said for California.

    Carly is slightly more to the right than Scozzafava or even Crist in Florida.

    We need a nominee that can win the bay area (minus Frisco) and the LA basin.

  5. Says:

    “I believe that life begins at conception and I am personally pro-life, except, of course, in the case of rape or incest or health of the mother.”

    Never understood this. I’m pro-choice/abortion myself but would think that if you believe life begins at conception how can you advocate the murder of someone just because they we’re the result of a rape?

    Secondly I work in IT and that lady screwed up at HP BIG time! If we get lucky enough to win a senate seat (Even in a non-presidential year luck would be needed in our blue state) I don’t think we should waste that good fortune. Chuck Devore would be an asset in the senate.

  6. Says:

    We all talk about Fiorina as if we understand what her positions are on the issues. We have no idea yet.