In conjunction with her official announcement of her candidacy for the United States Senate, Carly Fiorina will be laying out her official initial "campaign team" (I’m sure it will grow as her campaign gets into gear)…
TEAM CARLYCampaign Manager: Marty Wilson of Wilson-Miller Communications (pictured)
Finance Director: Cassandra Vandenberg of Vandenberg & Associates
Media Director: Fred Davis of Strategic Perception
Senior Advisors: Beth Miller of Wilson-Miller Communications, John Peschong of Meridian Pacific, and Joe Shumate of Shumate and Associates
Polling & Research: Dave Sackett of The Tarrance Group
Website & Social Media: Becky Donatelli and Chuck DeFeo of Campaign Solutions
On-Line Media Director: Liz Mair of Hynes Communications
Coalitions Director: Kristen Vellandi of Visable Outreach
Scheduling: Jennifer Driscoll
Fiorina has launched her website at
November 4th, 2009 at 12:00 am
The scheduler is a veteran of one prominent political campaign: Angelides for Governor
In case she scrubs her LinkedIn page, I’ve copied the relevant text:
Outreach Intern, Media and Voter Outreach Departments
Phil Angelides 2006
(Public Company; Public Policy industry)
February 2006 — June 2006 (5 months)
* Hosted media at press conferences, the Democratic Convention and the gubernatorial primary election. Researched venues and audience appropriate for Treasurer speaking events
Perhaps California Republicans can look forward to Carly Fiorina speaking to every union hall in the state.