Last April 15th thousands of Californians descended upon Sacramento for a tea party protest of out-of-control government. On the same day, hundreds of thousands of other Americans met for similar protests in cities all across the nation. Political commentators wondered whether these massive nationwide protests were merely a passing fad or whether they were the beginnings of a legitimate movement. Seven months later, the tea party movement is still gaining momentum, which bodes well for conservatives in 2010.
Last Sunday the Tea Party Express launched the second phase of its national bus tour with a rally in San Diego. Sponsored by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC, the tour will visit over 30 cities on its way to Washington, DC. The San Diego launch was very well attended and the crowd was bursting with energy. With the USS Midway providing a patriotic background, tea party participants were rallied by Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, California GOP chairman Ron Nehring and Americans for Prosperity’s California chairman Peter Foy.

The Tea Party Express also has a crew who will tour the entire nation, including Sacramento-based political commentator Mark Williams, military mother and advocate Deborah Johns, and several singers who keep the crowds entertained and enthused. Americans for Prosperity, the organization for which I work, was honored to participate in the rallies throughout Southern and Central California.
After the very successful launch in San Diego, the tour moved on to Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Monday’s tour stops included Bakersfield and Fresno, where decent crowds appeared even during a busy work day. Later today the tour will make a stop in Walnut Creek, where congressional candidate David Harmer will appear, and then tomorrow the tour will make its last California stop in Redding. Click here for more details about the tour.

The fact that the tea party movement is still attracting such large crowds, where just one year ago it was nearly impossible to gather even small groups, means that the fervor for true political change is still increasing. The focus of the Tea Party Express tour is 2010, the year conservatives have the chance to take back Congress and throw a road block in the way of the Obama Administration’s socialist takeover. For the tea party patriots and conservatives everywhere, November 2010 can’t come quickly enough.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 at 12:00 am and is filed under Blog Posts.
October 28th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Great post Meredith. You are correct, people who dismiss the tea party movement do so at their own peril!