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Jon Fleischman

Governor literally sends Ammiani a F**k You In A Veto Message

You can’t make this up.  But FlashReport readers are going to want to check out this blog post over on the San Francisco Bay Guardian website.

The Governor vetoed a seemingly innocuous piece of legislation by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.  But a careful look at the veto letter (as done by the SFBG) reveals that the first letter in each line of the letter spells…

The response from the Governor’s Press Secretary Aaron McLear when questioned about it:  "My goodness, what a strange coincidence. I suppose when u do so many vetoes something like this is bound to happen"

A tip ‘o the hat to the Sac Bee’s Kevin Yamamura on this one!

3 Responses to “Governor literally sends Ammiani a F**k You In A Veto Message”

  1. Says:

    OK, the gov gets a rare thumbs-up from me on this one.

  2. Says:

    The only thing strange about this “coincidence” is the Governor himself. Is this guy really the Governor of our state? Really? Enough teen-age pranks. How about some leadership?

  3. Says:

    Yeah, you’re right Steve. That IS pretty childish.

    I’m sure he’s also done childish things such as boot Republican members from offices and relegated them to 391 sq ft “closets”, eliminated District Offices for Republicans whose districts span over 5,500 sq miles, and boot Members of the Legislature from the Capitol Building altogether for not providing budget votes.

    Oh wait……..