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Jon Fleischman

Norby To AD 72 Voters: “Why Is Ackerman Lying?”

Over the weekend the campaign of Chris Norby dropped a mail piece to voters.  "Why does Linda Ackerman Lie?" is in large print on the piece which takes to task Ackerman for dropping a piece attacking Norby on sexual harassment allegations.

This mail piece really highlights the fact that AD 72 voters will be getting a lot of "he said, she said" pieces going back and forth, which will make it very hard for those not closely involved in politics to sort of the truth of allegations (heck, even for those hip-deep in this stuff it is hard to figure it all out).

Nevertheless my initial thoughts are still relevant, the burden to overcome the back-and-forth and get a positive image of herself out there to voters will be on Linda Ackerman.  Supervisor Norby is already a well known commodity in North Orange County.  The challenge here is highlighted by a conversation I had with a non-political Republican voter from the district whom I asked about this race.  He said that he was skeptical of allegations being brought up about Norby now.  He wondered why allegations hadn’t been brought up before.  I tried to explain that Norby hasn’t been in a competitive race in six years, but his eyes glazed over a bit.

The latest "Ackerman Lies!" piece is attached below.

My colleague Matt Cunningham has some analysis on this piece here, where he gets more into the substance of the piece.