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Jon Fleischman

AD72: IE for Ackerman – And Ackerman Smacks Norby Again

Matt Cunningham has posted up over on Red County that a significant amount of money is now coming to AD 72 voters on behalf of Linda Ackerman through an independent expenditure out of Sacramento — tens of thousands of dollars so far in just a couple of days of late-IE reporting.  The mail is all listed as being in support of Ackerman (it could otherwise be marked as "opposing" Norby).  We’ve written before that many of the Sacramento based associations that have been close with former Senator Dick Ackerman were rumored to be working towards an independent expenditure.   We’ll have to look more closely to see exactly who is funding this one…

The Ackerman campaign has dropped another piece of mail today (linked below) that clearly is throwing down the gauntlet.  The message from Ackerman to voters essentially is this: elect Chris Norby and you’re getting more of what you had with the last guy.  That’s quite a case to make.  Heck, the campaign has even entitled this piece, "Fresh Start."

Will that stick with the voters?  Ackerman is banking on it.  As we have said in previous analysis, in order for Linda Ackerman to get more votes than Chris Norby in this very short race (absentee ballots have dropped and election day is in less than a month), she will have to, as they say in gentile terms, "bring up Norby’s negatives" — which this piece is designed to do.

Look for more where this came from…