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Jon Fleischman

Western CPAC Coverage Tomorrow

Over the weekend the Western Conservative Political Action Conference was held in Newport Beach.  We’ll be penning and overview of the conference later today, which will run down the great program and participants — including great speeches from Tim Pawlenty, Ralph Reed, Chuck DeVore, Tom Fuentes, Steve Poizner and many others.  We’ll also look at a couple of more controversial moments of the conference including a show-down between former talk radio show host John Ziegler and American Conservative Union President David Keene, and a dust up between one of board members of WCPAC and one of the prominent bloggers that flew in to cover the event.  All in all, what could be more fun that conservatives and controversy?  A full weekend indeed.

Look for my write up to appear tomorrow morning on FR.

If you attended the conference and have any feedback or insights, drop me a line here.