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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Interview With Meg Whitman, Part III – “Extreme On Abortion”

Two weeks ago, I had a chance to sit down with Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman for the better part of an hour.  Our interview covered a number of policy areas, including global warming/AB32, eminent domain, gun control, abortion, and overall philosophy about government.  Because I brought a digital recorder along, Flash Report readers can enjoy these direct excerpts from the interview.  


We met in Menlo Park on the San Francisco Peninsula; hence, we’re calling these "Excerpts From The Peet’s Coffee Interview." Here is a segment where we discuss the topic of abortion. 

**There is more – click the link**

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8 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: FR Interview With Meg Whitman, Part III – “Extreme On Abortion””

  1. Says:

    Jon, thank you for this insightful interview into Meg. W. I have such great respect for you and your beliefs on this subject as they are the same as mine. It hurts my heart and soul to think that our candidates for governor believe it’s ok to kill a little baby, and Meg at taxpayer’s expense no less!! My opinion is that you should have a right to do whatever you want with your OWN body but you may NOT harm another human being in the process! (Not on my dime either!!)
    Meg Whitman will certainly NOT get my vote! (By the way, I am never a single issue voter!)

  2. Says:

    While I will be voting for Steve in the primary I find this abortion hand wringing unnecessary and counter productive.

    There will NEVER be a Pro-life governor of CA. To stir up this issue and possibly cause some voters to stay home if Meg (or Steve) for that matter are the nominee would be unfortunate.

    Whatever your passions on the issue the bigger picture remains a governor Jerry Brown will loot your finances far more than a Steve Poizner or Meg Campbell.

    And while I believe in the right of first trimester abortions, even if I didn’t I can’t see cutting of my nose to spite my face.

    We areat a sea change time in CA wherethe Republican party (with the help of redistricting) could come roaring back in CA! Bringing social issues to the forefront is the surest way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  3. Says:

    Charles, you are correct in some ways. It is not beneficial to berate our “R” candidates too much as they are miles above Brown and Newsom! However, IMHO their stand on the abortion issue goes to their character.
    Ronald Reagan was a very pooular pro-life governor and I do believe we will again some day have another!
    Since I am not a one issue voter I will be working my tail off for whomever is our “R” candidate!

  4. Says:

    That seems like a wise stand… I wish we all could coalesce around a “no abortion after the first trimester” platform but I understand the heartfelt place from which opinions on this issue arise…

    I’m pleased to RESPECTFULLY disagree with you while pushing for the greater good… Which is obviously a Republican governor.

  5. Says:

    Like it or not, “Pro-life” stance of CA R candidates has rendered most of them unelectable to statewide office. Until the CA R party abandons this stance, the CA R party will abandon huge amount of votes. Yes, someone pro-life can get elected to dogcatcher in Orange county. But notice any other R officeholders in major statewide office? It’s not all due to gerrymandering.

    “Pro-life” thus means higher CA taxes and more CA gun control – because CA Rs render themselves irrelevant to the fight.

    Anyway, I cannot vote for any CA R gov candidate – Steve Poziner, Meg Whitman or Tom Campbell – because they are ALL anti-gun.

    Hundreds of thousands of pro-gun votes are going to Jerry Brown. Brown has demonstrated a fair amount pro-gun leanings including a gun-favorable amicus brief to the Supreme Ct. regarding support for “incorporation” of the 2nd Amend. into state law, and his downsizing of DOJ Firearms Division into a Bureau, and stopping DOJ harrassment of CA gun owners.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA

  6. Says:

    Oh yeah – we all “coalesced around” a liberal Republican in 2003 didn’t we? THAT really helped our Party didn’t it?

    It certainly did NOT help our State either!

    If we continue to not have a real choice in the election for Governor next year – I think I’ll opt for the fast death instead of the slow death if you know what I mean.

    In the current political climate (ie. TEA Parties, leadership vacuum, State economic implosion, etc.), a conservative candidate for Governor will stand out and just could get elected with not as much money.

  7. Says:

    BTW – I’m not a single issue voter either but we are reaching critical mass here on the number of issues these 3 gubernatorial candidates are out of step on.

  8. Says:

    I need to note that while President Reagan became a champion of life, he was the Governor that signed the bill legalizing abortion in California in 1967.