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Shawn Steel

CAIR- Spies Everywhere ask Sen Steinberg

Massive news reports show that CAIR [Council of American Islamic Relations] the notorious terror apologist group, recently invited by Sen. Darrell Steinberg to celebrate the end of Ramadan in the Rotunda of the State Capitol, is in the hot seat again.

CAIR the "unindicted co-conspirators" in a Terror Trial in Texas recently, used Speaker Bass’s name as a "co-host" to the Ramadan event. Bass later denied any connection with CAIR. [ See FR 9.22.09] Senate President Darrell Steinberg—no so smart. His Chief of Staff keeps making lame arguments that CAIR is just a  bunch of well meaning Muslims. Obviously he doesn’t get out very often. [See FR 9.1.09] . Hey, how about reading an Arabic speaking scholar Dr Daniel Pipes?

Senator Steinberg perplexed.

Arnie Zeiderman MD and Amador County Republican Chair keeps following up with Senator Steinberg and Assemblyman Dave Jones offices to see if they are willing to reconsider their ties to CAIR.  CAIR is also noted for it extreme anti-Semitic views. That’s why Sen Barbara Boxer and Sen. Charles Schumer denounced CAIR earlier this year.See Gaubatz below.

The big news from DC is a best selling book called Muslim Mafia  by David Gaubatz, reveals Gaubatz’s life inside CAIR. Gaubatz collected thousands of memos, emails and other documents which show a dramatic nationwide effort by CAIR and assorted like minded groups to literally infiltrate security minded agencies. Several Republican House members yesterday demanded that the House Sergeant of Arms investigate any "plants" put on key panels including Homeland Security, Judiciary and Intelligence. We will hear much more shortly. 

The question is how long will Dave Jones and Darrell Steinberg continue to serve as apologists for a notorious discredited group. 

Assemblyman Jones not sure which side he is on. Digging a hole?

We will keep you posted.

One Response to “CAIR- Spies Everywhere ask Sen Steinberg”

  1. Says:

    I hate to say it, but on this issue, Shawn Steele is right.

    Although Gaubetz is a right winger with an agenda and maybe even some personal prejudices of his own, the facts speak for themselves because what he did was go undercover and simply make copies of emails and memo’s that CAIR used internally. The smears on him after his book came out shouldn’t be part of the discussion, because everything is based on the paperwork, not something he is giving his view on.

    The memo’s that were copied by Gaubetz talked about things like an organized effort to thwart the FBI’s efforts in anti-terrorism by the leaders of CAIR, partly through an effort to get use stealth tactics to get their members into positions of authority in law enforcement groups. They also talked about ways to punish supporters of the State of Israel politically and financially. It’s all pretty nasty.

    I think many members of CAIR are simply well meaning people who are concerned about discrimination that is practiced against Muslims by too many people in this country, but that doesn’t change the questions that have to come up when you read these documents.

    Clearly what Gaubetz found out calls for further investigation and certainly no one should be giving CAIR any legitimacy as a mainstream organization, at least not in my opinion.