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Jill Buck

As Unemployment Rises, How Do Companies Recruit the Best?

Despite the best efforts of the California Chamber of Commerce to expose anti-job legislation through their “Job Killer” reports, California legislators continue to author, debate and pass bills that have resulted in record high unemployment in the Golden State. Though legislators may believe they are reigning in large corporations, the data shows that small and medium sized businesses have borne the brunt of the effects of these efforts. According to the Chamber of Commerce, 70-80% of all jobs come from small/medium companies. In order to lower the current unemployment rate, small businesses need to be able to put as much of their money into salaries as possible, and put Californians back to work.

But as the unemployment lines grow longer, the chore of finding the best talent becomes increasingly difficult for employers that are hiring. Taking resumes via mail, email, job boards and every conceivable social media platform can be a costly and aggravating process, involving man-hours that could be better spent. My guest on Go Green Radio this week is Pratik Roychoudhury, and his company has created an innovative hiring solution for small businesses that is both cost-effective AND “green!” While the concept of “green jobs” remains ethereal to most of us, Pratik has made the hiring process for any job more economical and eco-conscious.

This week’s Go Green Radio show is aimed at any employer who wants to plug into a 21st century hiring process, and get the most qualified Californians back to work. This is also a great preview of some tools of the future that will help California companies meet AB32 carbon reduction standards.  

Tune in to Go Green Radio live from 9-10 a.m. PST on, or check out the podcast any time you like at